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  1. In the DayZ mod I had to break line of sight to get the buggers off my tail. That generally meant running circles around some object until the zed couldn't track me anymore or running through some foliage and hit the dirt. Zed would lose sight and amble to past my last known location, while I crawled away. It was engaging.
  2. In it's current state - Day Z is little more than ARMA deathmatch with survival elements thrown in. It's a zombie game without the stars of the show. The interest in survival gameplay stems from the challenge of surviving in a hazardous and hostile environment. Without that - what are you striving to survive against? Other bored players? What's the point? I can only hope that the devs see this as a priority, and have allocated significant development time for hostile NPC's.
  3. DayZ Standalone is quite and engaging and immersive experience. Right up until your realise you're playing a zombie survival game missing the key ingredient.....zombies. They're obviously being worked on, but until the environment of chernarus gets harsh, you're still essentially playing ARMA death-match with survival mechanics; surviving only bored players, not a zombie ravaged land. It's down to what you look for in a game, but it's not quite there for me yet. My opinion : wait until zombies are closer to being fully implemented.
  4. Either players shouldn't be able to run indefinitely, or zeds should run faster. Players shouldn't be able to simply outrun a train of zombies.
  5. When I say 'survivalist score' I mean along the lines of an accumulative rating on the life your character had under your control. Spend a lot of time getting sick, injured, and starving, then the score would be rather low. Keep the guy warm, well fed, and un-eaten and the score would be relatively high, factoring in the length of time alive etc etc
  6. It's already in the game. It's called HDR.... (High Dynamic Range), a post processing effect used in games to adjust the exposure of the scene in an effort to emulate the adjustment of the human pupil. Been around since DirectX9 The new lighting system should improve the darkened nights in stand alone.
  7. Something I feel DayZ lacks, though would add a great deal of value to the life of a player would be an end of life report. All events, behavioural patterns and statistics all bunged up in SQL This report could present informations such as : Date of character creationDate of character deathSurvival timePersonal Best survival timeBest survivalist (record holder)Foods Eaten, Drinks Drunk... etc etcZombies killedTotal Distance travelledWeapons usedShots firedShots HitPeople KilledPlayer Interactions madeAggressiveness / Passiveness ratingIllnesses contracted / medications usedSurvivalist Score ..... And a whole wealth of accumulative data that I cannot even think about. Another awesome feature would be a time lapse map of Chernarus outlining your journey though the zombie stricken country, Icons representing Log on/off events, conflicts encountered, shots fired, zombies killed, players killed, injuries sustained as well as the movements of other (nearby) players during this time period. I doubt this could be in-game, and would likely be accessed via a browser, serving as a memorial to life lost.
  8. How about a logging the number of times the player hops server per hour If the count is greater than 5 (for example) Inform the user they have switched server too frequently Prompt them if they would like to create a new character for the server they wish to join, else return them to the last server they were using
  9. You haven't been royally screwed by ANYONE..'till you played EVE Online.
  10. Doesn't even compare to the original OpF, or it's spiritual successors - ARMA... It's just an arcade shooter on a larger scale. I know... I bought it. It sucked.
  11. Ugh...As long as this platform is his priority, I don't see an issue. It's when developers change the game to cater for the fickle 'gamer' audience of consoles... EVERYTHING from dumbing down, to implementing game play mechanics - kinda makes me a little sick to the stomach tbh...
  12. I often sit and watch life through the scope of my M24. Seldom will I actually take a shot unless there is something to gain from it, but I do enjoy watching players go about their business. The fire fights that break out at the apartments in the northern part of cherno are pretty funny. Saw one player hounded by two others, he skirted into an apartment, and opened fire as they approached the doorway... After about two minutes of camping outside of the apartment, the two players decide to start throwing smoke grenades into it, managing to aggro every zed in the surrounding area to that one point. As the zeds enter the building in orderly fashion, gunfire can be heard from within - the two sitting outside - no doubt laughing their asses off. The guy indoors climbed to the roof and started popping zeds as they came up... When 2 popped up at the same time, he got up, ran to the edge and continued to run off... firing his gun frantically at his pursuers, rendering one of them unconcious before hitting the deck and dying at the doorway. The only guy left standing runs toward the hospital (presumably to get medical supplies for his buddy) - I fired a shot that ripped through his legs - watched him crawl around as the zeds were now exiting the building - some feasting on the guys outside... He frantically crawls into the hospital. Not sure what the outcome was, but was sure funny to play god for a while.
  13. The game is ruined by these cheaters. I don't get it. I don't understand what they even get from playing this way.... fun? Fuck no. It would get boring as hell real fast. If strip away the realism, the survival aspect of DayZ, or ARMA for that matter - what do you have left? I've always loved the realism I got from OPF, and ARMA and its simply all destroyed by brats who simply cannot play a game. They're literally too impatient, too stupid, or too spoiled to play. They're the type of player that would flip the chess board and sulk rather than lose at the game.