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Posts posted by Brokenseal

  1. /push

    Some more information about us:

    We're both from germany.

    We're using: Skype, TS3 and Vent for communication.

    We're are looking for a Clan/Team/Group/Squad for DayZ

    to: Build or join a base/search/repair/store vehicles/ raid hot spots

    like Airfields, Stary etc. and ofc to have some good fun.

    I would appreciate any kind of reply thats related to the subject.

  2. Hi there,

    me and my friend (both in the twenties and exp ingame) are

    looking for a squad or clan for dayz.

    We are not looking for a multigame clan or something like that.

    DayZ related only.

    If you got a decent group of players and want us to be part of it

    just add me in skype : st0n3sour

    Thank you!
