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Torpy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Torpy (DayZ)

  1. Torpy (DayZ)

    Day Z + Shadowplay?

    I've been searching the internet but alas had no luck. Has anyone managed to get it to work with SA and if not is this a problem with Day Z or with Shadowplay? I really want to make content but Fraps etc all hit my FPS rather badly.so I'd like to know who to prod on getting something done about it.
  2. Torpy (DayZ)

    Day Z + Shadowplay?

    I noticed an update to 1.8.1 is now available. Is this the version you're running? EDIT : After updating my version I still have the same problem. Alt + f9 causes my game to freeze up for a few seconds then the splay icon appears with a red line through it meaning nothing records. Did you do anything special?
  3. Name : BARTH BOYZ* Mums-PC Player ID : 19011526 Stuck in the ground after flying around in a helicopter and having the server crash.
  4. Torpy (DayZ)

    Day Z Videos

    Double post due to laggy website ~_~
  5. Torpy (DayZ)

    Day Z Videos

    Glad these guys have my back. I feel so safe.
  6. Torpy (DayZ)

    What to do then low health and good gear?

    To a brand new player who's learning the game that is good gear.
  7. Torpy (DayZ)

    Is the hive down?

    They took my cars
  8. Torpy (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    i'm sorry. I'm going to be one of those people that doesn't read every page to see if it's been asked/answered already and possibly ask the exact same question again.. and I hate those people. Is anything being done to reduce load times? On full servers it can take 10-15 minutes just to get in.
  9. Torpy (DayZ)

    Day Z Videos

  10. Torpy (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    On most servers I join now there is a 10-15 minute wait just to get in. This is getting longer each patch and it does kind of kill the game slightly. Have massive artifacts around army areas like everyone as well, 580gtx
  11. Torpy (DayZ)

    How do I continue a previous character?

    Any server will put you back in that exact same spot. I don't use Six Launcher so I'm not sure if there is a favourites section, In an SS of DayZ commander I saw one so I'm guessing you can add favourites if you use that but as stated I don't use either.
  12. Torpy (DayZ)

    How do vehicle saves work?

    There were four of us that all got in and out of the vehicle and logged off next to it before going to sleep to find it wasn't there in the morning. This has happened twice now, the chance of someone stumbling across our vehicle in the middle of two different random forests in land I would imagine is very tiny. If the server crashes twice while we're asleep, do we lose the vehicle?