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kvr28 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by kvr28 (DayZ)

  1. kvr28 (DayZ)

    Over 230 hackers got banned on my server

    your right it's the publicvariableval.txt, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93007-howto-use-publicvariablevaltxt-to-auto-kick-players-with-hacked-weapons/
  2. kvr28 (DayZ)

    Over 230 hackers got banned on my server

    I installed the publicvariable.txt and couldn't be happier, it kicks anyone with a hacked item, I was first resistant to use it till last night someone hacked in a ammo box with 5 of everything, the directions to do it are on the server general forum and it's a sticky, so that tells me the mods on this forum don't have a issue with kicking for hacked items, our server is us 3409 if anyone wants to play, we have admins on most of the time and are a loose group of 6 or 7 people who like to play together, we are a 12 hour difference from est so it is daytime when most people play, peace
  3. kvr28 (DayZ)

    Need a Rescue Mission

    nope, that's been fixed
  4. kvr28 (DayZ)

    Need a Rescue Mission

    you know you can swim?
  5. don't bother jimmy, looking forward to when you get back
  6. I find it amusing I came on here to clear the air that your clan wasn't hacking and now your clan is attacking me, enjoy the game guys
  7. we are not a clan, just some guys that play together, I charged the hill north of stary with a ghillie and axe when budder got killed looking for the guy and his body, a L85 would have been a blessing, peace guys
  8. did you see the vid I posted above where I took 5 ghillie suits off one truck?
  9. I just noticed the vid didn't post, I fixed it
  10. He spawned, all his stuff in inventory was gone, we have vehicles and tents stashed on the server, I don't know what else to say,
  11. we had several tents on there loaded with gear, we have been playing there several weeks, this happened last thursday where we got most of our gear, so last week me and ahren were on a server and had set up some tents down south along the debug forest. We were on one night and heard a player say he had found two tents along the debug area. Ahren and I were like you think it's ours? We talked to him over global chat and decided they probably were so we high tailed it down to the tents. Ahren went off to the local hill to watch over me as I went to check the tents. As I was looking at them I heard some one call out friendly? Yes I replied very friendly, but my friend has a sniper rifle on this area right now. So a player by the name of nitrous came down to the tents. We chatted for a bit and asked him if he wanted to join us, he did. So we have been playing off and on with nitrous the past week. Nitrous is on his neighbors internet so he drops quite a bit though. We were on another server the other night and found a motorcycle, tractor and a off road truck. That's the night parish had respawned on the coast. We lost the motorcycle the other day when ahren and i were headed to the east coast and the server reset and when we logged back in the motorcycle was gone. So last night we had hopped on and hopped back in the truck and started hitting up the towns. Caseharts joined the server to join up with us and we started trying to give him directions to get to us. He was dying from thirst so I decided to hop in the truck and drive to pick him up, I had told him to hit the power lines and I would meet him. So I hopped in the truck and started driving down the lines to him. After finding him I gave him a drink and we drove back to ahren and we all hit up the industrial areas. We started finding car parts and figured we would try and find another vehicle. There is a barn north of zelno that spawns a truck and sure enough the truck was there. Bonus was it was totally repaired except for a tire which we had in inventory. Quick change of the tire and we were off with 2 vehicles. Right then nitrous logged in and said he was spawned on the coast west of kemenka. I asked ahren you want to go get him? Ahren was hesitant due to his gas level but agreed. So Case hopped in my truck and ahren followed us down. We hit the coast and nitrous was logging in and kept getting booted. We were 3 sitting ducks so I told Case and ahren to hop in the truck with the most gas and I would wait for nitrous because he had a jerry can. So After nitrous kept getting booted, he told me to go on with out him, he would make his way up when he could log on. I asked Ahren for his cords and set my waypoint and hit the edge on the west and started driving up. I was about 2 Km from them and came up into a field and I knew I was fucked. Sitting in front of me was a bus, a ural and another vehicle. I could see about 7 people around the vehicles. I said over vent, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead... Ahren called out, what's going on, I told him what I saw and he asked for the cords. I hit my map, gave him the cords and he said dude get out of there. I hit the gas towards the tree line and got below the ridgeline. I could hear them start opening up on me with .50 cals. Ahren and Case could hear it almost 2 km away. Ahren had parked the truck in the trees, so I got his cords and set a waypoint and figured I would try and lose these guys and ditch the truck in the forest. I don't know what they were shooting at, but they were firing off rounds and it was coming no where near me. I was giving Ahren intel where I was as he was heading down to where they were. He arrived several minutes later and the field was empty, they were gone. I looked behind me and I could see in the distance they were after me. After about 10 minutes I was dodging trees and was somewhat close to Ahrens truck and ditched mine between some pine trees. I ran up into the treeline and laid down and pulled up my map to give Ahren my cords when I could hear a truck close to me. I looked on my map and I could see them in orange and they were just west of me down the hill. I gave Ahren my cords and him and case started heading my way. I could hear them beep their horn and then everything went quiet. Ahren was about 300 m from me and I had Case come to my location. It was pitch black and we couldn't see anything. I told Ahren, dude we are fucked, if they have those vehicles, they have to have NVG's. We laid they for about 20 minutes scanning the area and couldn't see anything. Ahren thought he heard someone walking behind him, but didn't see anything. About 1:00 a.m. I was like I got to get to bed, I'll check you guys in the morning. So this morning I hopped on and found Ahren's truck but couldn't find mine. I sent him a message and said are you hopping on? We have to move this truck. He logged on and within 2 minutes he was like dude, I see their camp. Where? I asked, About 80 meters from me. So Ahren ran down and checked their vehicles, and let's just say it was a early x-mas. I ran down and picked up a pair of NVG off the trucks. He told me to go pick up his truck and head down to him. This is what happened. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqWH3zykHBA
  12. all of his items were glitched when he logged in, we have tents placed around the map for resupply. He hit one of the tents and was heading into to town to look for his tools
  13. Jimmy wasn't cheating, here is his words on what was happening in the video I was on a server that I frequent and had just spawned with nothing due to some glitch. So I grabbed an L85 out of my tent, and rode my bike to the nearest town. Once I got there, I saw tons of zombies, and heard shots. I looked around for a heat signature of a player. Eventually I caught a glimpse of him running southwest into the woods. I pursued him on my bike, and soon heard a vehicle start up and saw dust. I don't know why, but for some reason he hopped off the ATV and started to check his six. I was ghillied up and he must not have seen me. After readjusting my zero, I took a single headshot and put him down. I quickly ran to his body and found loads of loot. While I was picking up my score, I was soon greeted with the, "No Message Received".
  14. cool, I am done with 344 from this point out, there was 4 mass teleports in the last 3 hours, I am done with that
  15. yes we assumed in a discussion between ourselves. Like I said I didn't know budder made this thread until I came on to report the mass teleport, it's why I posted the video to clear your clan of any false accusations, I apologized for the mistake
  16. I play with budder, we assumed it was you, I didn't know he had made this thread till I came on to report the death match, no hard feelings
  17. it happened again while I was logged out, I logged back in and was able to catch this, none of the clan members were on at that moment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPUoIVsqBoY&feature=youtube_gdata
  18. this just happened again, deathmatch imminent or something like that comes across the screen and everyone gets teleported to the same location