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About TheOreforX

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    On the Coast
  1. After being content you wake up again in spawnzones (that would be logical because you can not trust anyone, and the helper to expose the zombie cure).
  2. At first sorry for my sick english im german (äääääh i mean bad english). Once the chat should change something. Deaths should be only in the distance as you also heard shots are displayed. You should also have the option to "talk" and "shout". "talk" is displayed only in 20 meter operating range in the chat. "scream" is displayed only in 1 mile operating range in the chat. Also, of course, scream lure zombies. I think it will reduce in future, perhaps resulting flame and make the mod even more realistic. After you died by the overbite of the zombies you turn into a zombie. Now you have like the whole game over the possibility to be good or evil. Evil: Attack other players to force them to shoot and thus attract more zombies. After your death you respawn as a zombie again. As a zombie you can not use items or record. You do more damage like normal zombies, but you will die just like normal zombies. Zombie player will of course not attacked by zombies and other distinguished not outwardly. Good: You can be healed by another Human player with a antidote that zombie dropped to 5% of each can (the antidote was distributed by the state but came too late). The only problem is that you gain the confidence of a player without the need to talk to him about. Because only zombies can read the chat from the zombies, human players appear just confused letters. Why should Human players enter the danger to heal a zombie? If you die yourself and there are no more human players have to remain forever a zombie. After being content you wake up again in spawnzones (that would be logical because you can not trust anyone, and the helper to expose the zombie cure). To prevent that, it eventually gives only zombies and to ensure that the forests can be unsafe, a zombie player will be healed by eat a wild boar. Since pigs are omnivores and therefore dead zombies, and hence the antidote to have eaten. I think it's a enrichment for the game if we get a 3rd Faction in the game, next to the good human players and the evil human players. In addition, there would be an added incentive to hunt zombies to get the antidote for a friend. I hope you like my little idea. PUSH TheOreforX