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About munsterthunder@gmail.com

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  1. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    Hacker 'bONKERz' on US 578

    You shouldve taken a video. I know this guy as well, known hacker
  2. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    PhysX, am I hearing this right?

    omfg hit the quote button instead of edit. Anyways thanks for the info, was a bit confused by the names there.
  3. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    PhysX, am I hearing this right?

  4. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    PhysX, am I hearing this right?

    So according to the Arma 3 gameplay, Randall physics, car physics, and overall physics will only be supported by Nvidia PhysX. Seriously? Why this bullshit, why can't they just put in physics without the need of PhysX. Sucks for AMD card users
  5. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    Vilayer get your crap together

    Stop defending Vilayer please, you did so in the other thread and it seems like you can't get all these problems through your head.
  6. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Yes it was lol Battled Global Ban: than the four letter You do know that guy has multiple computers/cd keys for diff characters? He probably just played on a diff character because as you see he was in the barracks not by the coast.
  7. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    Global Bans for legit players?

    1:08 is the exact minute at which it happens.
  8. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Lol on the machinima livestream one of the guys on the livestream got global banned.
  9. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    us1340 Banned for "hacking"?

    Bitter truth isn't it? lol Best post dismisser 2012 good job. inb4 "You are pathetic"
  10. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    US 1485 Banned for flying the helicopter.

    Thanks? Lol My post wasn't really for admin abuse but I was angry at one of Lucy's group members and I wrote that post because of it, quickly I realized it was foolish and apologized and removed the post.
  11. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    Are these cheat scripts.

    I believe so, don't know 100% though
  12. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    Are these cheat scripts.

    Adding toolbox and coyote backpack to themselves create vehicle means spawning vehicles. Yup, hackers.
  13. munsterthunder@gmail.com

    How well geared are you?

    I was being sarcastic about the hacker comment. But i never knew that bug sister, at least hasn't happened to me or my friends when they wore ghillies.
  14. Now that's what I call an admin who checks the server logs! I applaud you, in fact have my beans!