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Everything posted by Madrocker

  1. Madrocker


    Great video man, that's some good shooting there.
  2. Madrocker

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    How about just stopping people from d/c when people/Zeds are close by? like in other games. Minecraft for instance, you cannot sleep when Mobs are close.
  3. Madrocker

    I Can't even Play this game!!!

    If you spend any amount of time on this forum you will come to realise 95% of the "community" are assholes, the world has gone to shit in the game so its kill on sight.
  4. Madrocker

    Chibigoat's Adventures In Elektro! (Much Lulz)

    Made me Lol, thumbs up.
  5. Madrocker

    Banned from Seattle 13

    That video shows a BattlEye ban. i may be mistaken but I think you got banned by battlEye, as in properly perma banned from EVERYTHING.... Admins cant issue thouse sort of bans, they come from the actual arma2 anti cheat people (not this mod) and can take up to 48 hour to kick in. What have you been doing for the past two days?
  6. Madrocker


    you ether were server hopping to change positions or the people you killed were butt hurt admins and banned you. Log files need to me more accessible.
  7. Madrocker

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    No they should be black listed for locking there server to give them time to rebuild there camp, get all of the cars/trucks etc, restock there weapons so they have the advantage. All of which are clearly forbidden as listed below "BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers! - IT MAY NEVER BE PASSWORDED - NO OTHER KEYS OR MODS. NONE. PERIOD. - NO KICKING TO MAKE ROOM FOR 'FRIENDS' OR CLANMATES - NO LOCKING THE SERVER - NO EDITING DAYZ/MISSION FILES - IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO UPDATE YOUR SERVER TO THE LATEST VERSION OF DAYZ -BATTLEYE MUST BE ENABLED - Minimum slot count of 40 (30 for countries where bandwidth is expensive i.e. developing countries) - Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc. - You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like. - Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted, but if abused is grounds for blacklisting Failure to adhere to these rules will BAN YOUR SERVER'S IP from DayZ."
  8. Madrocker

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    I found a DMR with 3 Mags in the first tent on my first ever trip into stary.
  9. or you could just prevent loot spawns for players spawning in that place...
  10. Madrocker

    Bleeding is ridiculous?

    If you don't like that then just wait until a Zed breaks your leg.
  11. Madrocker

    Me, My bike and the tents you own.

    I like it, where's my bike.
  12. Madrocker

    Sniping in Cherno

    nice video, I lol'ed at the 28 minuets later.
  13. Madrocker

    no message received

    I get this every so often aswell. As far as I can tell it's a comunication error between you and the server, but saying that I have no clue what is exactly is so I can't give a proper answer
  14. The "teleport" you think you saw was mearly lag/desync.
  15. Madrocker

    Funny Sniper Kill

    Lol, that made me chuckle, great find though.
  16. Madrocker

    List of Server Hoppers

    server hopping ;)
  17. Madrocker

    Have 5 SVD Mags for Trade

    you can break down DMR mags to M24 http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Convert_Magazines
  18. Madrocker

    Have 5 SVD Mags for Trade

    We.... so while you're Trading with someone your friends come from behind and shoot them in the back of the head, lol
  19. Madrocker

    Died for no RAISINS!

    Edit; Double post
  20. Madrocker

    Died for no RAISINS!

    I had this for around 20 minutes last night, seems to be a server side fault. The server thinks you have an Illegal copy of the game or fake CD Key so it kills you.