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About Madrocker

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Warwickshire, UK
  1. Do you want to re-right that, I haven't got a fucking clue what your rambling about.
  2. have some beans. It means you bought arma2:co so you have arma2:co.....
  3. Madrocker

    guys...any idea where the fuuuu I am?

    there are normally town signs on the main road in and out of towns. use them and this map to figure it out buddy, http://dayzdb.com/map
  4. if the gun is not in Arma2 then it cant be in dayz.
  5. send an email to the place you bought the game as well.
  6. Madrocker

    What is this?

    I'm no expert but thiat looks like someone scripted in all that gear, the BAF_AS50_TWS is not in the game.
  7. Madrocker

    Admin Abuse US 888

    did you not bother watching the OP's video???
  8. Madrocker

    Admin Abuse US 888

    i was watching the stream +1
  9. Madrocker

    overheating issue

    Lol, I actually know people that have laptops in freezers.
  10. Madrocker

    What is this?

    lol the second result is this thread. Aren't you fucking helpful.
  11. Madrocker

    Kidnapped by the "Police"

    And what makes you say that? Or are you just that type of retard that thinks every good weapon is duped.
  12. Madrocker

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    looks like they changed the server name to us10 midwest now lol
  13. Madrocker


    Lirikk was on gb500 lastnight. A hacker named Chang fucked shit up