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Everything posted by aplum12

  1. aplum12

    So I was sniping

    if u tap W for a mili second and keep doing it you'll make no sound, but it's very slow
  2. goes to show you how someone with amazing gear reacts when he is killing by the guy he got sniped by... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZRwwtdqttE
  3. aplum12

    Killing the elektro sniper.

    well the point is, he's a beetch
  4. aplum12

    Killing the elektro sniper.

    gotta try that, I'm just scared they're going to hear me walking in that loud grass.
  5. aplum12

    The Nicest person ever

    all that shit is hacked moron, get rid of it nobody wants your shitty hacked items.
  6. aplum12

    Spawned in dead

    i can't even get into the servers I get stuck at loading doode :( anything you did that made you able to get ingame?
  7. aplum12 Still Artifacting

    this patch is useless, i cna't even load into the servers. garbage as always
  8. i seem to keep spawning at cherno/ shore spawns when i was the the damn airfield ridiculous
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ejmU5cDoVk this made our day even though we died we had the most fun ever : D
  10. aplum12

    A possible fix to the alt F4 problem

    actaully some of my friends got teleported and they ended the process, so they figured out your body stays there for about 5 seconds so doing dat shit dun work doode
  11. aplum12

    The realistic way about our body

    too long didn't read.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PA0aCalLAE8&feature=youtube_gdata REMOVED VIDEO GOT MY ANSWER THAT IT IS NOT HACKED - ITEM WAS RGO GRENADE
  13. aplum12

    found what i think is a hacked item.

    lol I'll try :D but since all the hacking I hide out on pretty empty servers now :/
  14. aplum12

    found what i think is a hacked item.

    ok thanks for the reply I had never seen them so was a little curious
  15. aplum12

    The Hunger Games Style

    No sir. :P
  16. aplum12

    The Hunger Games Style

    meow poo
  17. aplum12

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    you're an idiot, look at the first post he says it will run on arma 3 engine.
  18. I'll give you 3 tin cans, 2 bandages, 2 red chemlights, 2 road flares and 2 watches for all.
  19. aplum12

    Hacker right now on "US 1154"

    FALLING COWS hhahahahahaha atleast the hacker isn't throwing you up in the air -_-
  20. aplum12

    how to play dayz

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKhBO-UDZC0 this is how to play
  21. aplum12

    M017 VS truck

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9czgZ1OBhgc hehe this guy is definitely mad :P basically nothing happens after 1 minute