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Optimist (DayZ)

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About Optimist (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Heinz products and games that promote Heinz products.
  1. Optimist (DayZ)

    How did Rocket want "DayZ" pronounced phonetically?

    What about "Da - yez" any takers? No?
  2. Optimist (DayZ)

    Returning NPC population to secured towns

    I'm just wondering why people object to NPCs so much?
  3. Optimist (DayZ)

    Returning NPC population to secured towns

    May I ask, why not? I would understand such a limited intellectual response had my suggestion been "I know what would make this game great: Let's make hacking part of the experience.", but that is not the case. If you're going to say "No" at least give a reason why. @Schrapple - i like your idea
  4. Optimist (DayZ)

    How did Rocket want "DayZ" pronounced phonetically?

    Could you expand on this? The only way I could imagine an American saying it differently would be in the style of a sassy black woman: "Lafonda, get off yo' ass guuurrrrl, we gon' play sum' Dayzaaaayyyy."
  5. As some of you may know, we say the letter 'Z' differently in the UK/USA to those in NZ. We pronounce 'Z' phonetically as "zee", whereas in New Zealand it's "Zed". So did Rocket - a New Zealander - intend for the game to be pronounced "Dayzee" or "Dayzed"? Is this important? Not at all. Does he care? Probably not. But I was curious.
  6. What if - in the later stages of this game - when you start securing towns, restoring power, you can wipe out all of the zombies within and then NPC civilians slowly start to spawn within. It will then be up to the group who restored the town to protect it and its inhabitants. Zeds who manage to get in can attack the civis and in turn, turn them into Zeds. An advantage of having more civilians within a town is that the more you have, the more loot spawns. Not sure if this is possible, but NPCs could collect loot from surrounding areas and return it to a location within the town. This idea would certainly give a purpose to protecting built up areas.
  7. Optimist (DayZ)

    Nightmare inducing mad axeman - Scary stuff

    lol. People like this make the game so damn good!
  8. Optimist (DayZ)

    Nightmare inducing mad axeman - Scary stuff

    That second one is brilliant! When he looks into his car and sees him again - priceless!
  9. I don't claim to have made this video, I just came across it. Some guy playing Dayz stumbles across this character... Listen to the stuff he plays down the mic, very creepy... http://www.twitch.tv/justxrippedn1ck/b/327671117
  10. I was thinking about this today. It's a similar sort of system Eve uses I guess, a whole world created by players. It would require a bigger map and many more players, but I like the idea of people banding together, securing a town, electric supply, food supply etc. In turn that gets made into a safe zone. Before you know it there is a whole economy of trade running, and the emphasis of the game shifts from PVP, PVE to a much larger dynamic. This is how Eve works, there is much more than just fighting. People have come together to make huge corps, mine, trade and buy. They build huge fortifications and start manufacturing their own equipment. Imagine something similar on DayZ? In a sense it would be like real life and eventually the Zeds would become something of the past, something that would just be part of the games history. Of course, for a model like this to work well, and for it to be fun, it would need a server that can host more than 50 players! But there is so much potential.
  11. Optimist (DayZ)

    Control Old Industry

    I was thinking about this today. It's a similar sort of system Eve uses I guess, a whole world created by players. It would require a bigger map and many more players, but I like the idea of people banding together, securing a town, electric supply, food supply etc. In turn that gets made into a safe zone. Before you know it there is a whole economy of trade running, and the emphasis of the game shifts from PVP, PVE to a much larger dynamic. This is how Eve works, there is much more than just fighting. People have come together to make huge corps, mine, trade and buy. They build huge fortifications and start manufacturing their own equipment. Imagine something similar on DayZ? In a sense it would be like real life and eventually the Zeds would become something of the past, something that would just be part of the games history. Of course, for a model like this to work well, and for it to be fun, it would need a server that can host more than 50 players! But there is so much potential.
  12. Optimist (DayZ)


    When it gets long enough you, and your teammates can use it as a fast rope to rappel from second-storey windows.
  13. Post in the lonely hearts club and i'll get you on the list!