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Everything posted by Cheroro

  1. Yes yes yes. YES. Yes. While I admit I know absolutely nothing about the code, I don't THINK this would be too hard to change. I mean, if impossible to move from toolbelt to secondary, then I'd just rather it BE a secondary arm and not a tool at all. It's a pain that you have to choose between a good PVP weapon or silent zombie killing.
  2. Cheroro

    Spawning with friends

    I like this as an idea, but only if certain things are implemented. 1.) Yes, you have to be starting together. You can't just spawn on some friend whose already playing. and 2.) You can't spawn with more than, say, 4 friends.
  3. I've got a ton of complaints about the current patch, but most have already been covered by other people (Defenseless start (Should start with a melee weapon at least), ridiculous aggro,) But can we up the morphine rate quite a bit? I mean, it'd be fine as is if I was getting broken bones legitimately by falling, getting shot, or being hit... but I've broken bones twice now by being prone and just turning in a way the game just didn't like. Luckily, the first wasn't all that dissapointing. But dammit, the second pissed me off. Was farther north than I'd ever been with the best gear I'd gotten. So I died server hopping scrounging for a damned morphine because of a stupid bug... T-T But enough QQ from me. Also... Why can zombies climb ladders? Especially ones that have to crawl around? Same thing with opening doors. Something tells me brain-dead corpses don't have the motor skills to do either of those things.