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Everything posted by fortran

  1. fortran

    Swimming And Gear

    Just a heads up, the old "go swimming = drop all your gear" bug from the mod seems to be back in the alpha. Decided to try and collect some water from a pond (even though it doesn't seem to be possible as far as I can see), the moment I started the swim animation my backpack and weapon dropped into the water. Seems to be quite buggy to pick them up also, took a good 5 minutes before I could.
  2. fortran

    How NOT to pass out.

    Good info many thanks. Now if I could only find a more reliable supply of liquids I would be fine :( Can't seem to collect pond water to purify or drink from the water pumps in towns, both of those would make a huge difference.
  3. fortran

    Quick Question!

    Eat and drink. There is currently no way to "sleep" or "rest" in the SA so food is your only option.
  4. fortran

    Bandits still KOS on sight

    Not everybody does, Those who want to KOS will still KOS regardless. So far I have seen. 1 x guy with M4, didn't shoot me on sight, actually killed a couple of Zombies to help me out. 1 x guy with baseball bat, tried to kill me on sight. 1 x guy with axe, did kill me on sight. me with mosin, didn't kill any of the 3 people I met and spoke to. There are only slightly less KOS incidents in the standalone simply due to the lack of weapons and ammo, the same people who kill everything moving in the mod continue to want to do so in the SA.
  5. If you're not hunting or going for PvP then I would pick the L85 over the M4 SD without thinking twice. You're going to need the thermal scanning capability to avoid hostiles, and scout safe routes for your medical runs. Ontop of that you have the benefit that the L85 can be loaded with normal STANAG OR STANAG SD so carry a load of mags of each. That way you can load the SD ammo whenever you need to deal with Zeds without catching additional agro and switch back to standard STANAG if you need to protect yourself from other players.
  6. Forget the NWA for the time being and Stary for that matter, if I were you I would follow Kalignoir's suggestion, then start hunting for downed choppers. If you play low-pop servers with anybody other than Cherno/Elektro snipers then it is your best bet, because guaranteed, even with 3 people in a server, somebody will be camping/looting the NWA and Stary. When you have hit a few deer stands and found an assault rifle head to the outskirts of Gorka then head west and run that long wide stretch of land from Gorka to the north of Kabanino, especially near "Old Fields" and the lake "Prud". Constantly keep scanning the fields as you run and I can guarantee you you will hit at least one or two crash sites on the way. Another method aside from constantly looking is to keep your eye on the Zombie count in the debug monitor, if you are playing lowpop try and watch it every few seconds. If you come within 300m of a crash site the zombie count will suddenly jump up by 8 zeds. Obviously it might well be another player who has spawned them somewhere else on the map but it can also indicate you are near a crash site, especially if you are in the middle of nowhere, so its worth watching for. Also to add to what has been said, in the North consider every single bush, treeline or low stone wall to harbour your death. Stay out of sight as much as is humanly possible, never run across an open field and watch any crash site you come across for a good while before you move to it. If you get lucky & it is unlooted you might find some end-game gear straight off the bat. Once you have that then feel free to try your luck at the airfield.
  7. fortran

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    After getting somewhat bored of my current life (76 days and counting), and spending numerous in-game hours player watching for amusement I have now created my own mini game and taken to providing anonymous overwatch for unarmed players or those who seem to be just carrying basic weaponry if they manage to get themselves into trouble with Zeds. I usually setup in a tree-line overlooking one of the small villages or towns such as Shakhovka, Dolina etc. work out all my ranges, plan an escape route incase somebody unsavoury turns up and just wait it out. It's not unusual to see two or three survivors pass through looking for loot in as many hours. If they happen to draw agro I simply attempt to kill any Zeds that get near them. Usually after the first sniper shot rings out or they notice zombies dropping near them they mostly just leg it. But I have had a few that have just gone prone and let me clean up around them, although most likely out of the fear that they think I'm a bandit or something. After helping a survivor and trying to remain unseen I wait until he has left the area, then relocate to a new position or town/village. I do not enjoy PvP, have zero murders and no bandit kills but have a full compliment of end-game gear. This was the only way I could think of of having a use for it (apart from if engaged by hostiles) but yet refrain from killing players.
  8. afaik water no longer makes you drop your gear. Looks like you are in for a long swim :(
  9. fortran

    Low Resolution Character Model

    Nope, it is not possible.
  10. +2500, think thats about as high as I will get tbh seeing as I avoid other survivors like the plague. Managed to make it 76 days alive so far, got spawned on the friggin coast again just to take this screenshot, Oh well, time to make the 900th run back up north I guess. :(
  11. fortran

    I'm embarrassed to post this....

    LOL ITT two of the best DayZ videos I have seen all month. Beans for both of you guys!
  12. lol saw this earlier when you uploaded but it's just as funny the 2nd time :P Bet your glad you put your stuff on the shore first, did you manage to recover it ? On a random side note but also related to water, found out yesterday if you have a broken leg you can basically play DayZ as a submarine...you don't float, you just crawl along the bottom of the ocean and never run out of oxygen.
  13. fortran

    Finding a Home.

    Haha no problem, is a pretty solitary lifestyle up there but in all the time I was there I never saw another player or Zed. You can almost forgot its a zombie apocalypse.
  14. fortran

    I am the taxi driver!

    lol typical, you just wanna get home after a hard days work of spawning on the beach during a zombie apocalypse and, as always, the damn cab driver just can't shut the hell up! :P But seriously fun video lol, would be awesome to see a series like this, if you can keep it up without getting murdered that is :(
  15. fortran

    How to use dmr with nvg?

    Must be just Lingor afaik, has a DMR up until a few days ago until I swapped it out and had no problem using it with NVG's.
  16. fortran

    Finding a Home.

    Spent a good portion of my previous life living at Black Lake. Plenty of good rock cover and forest around the lake to set up a tent Infinite water supply for canteens & plenty of wildlife to eat, NE airfield is a short jog away for any military grade ammo that needs replacing. Berezino is very close also with apartments, supermarket and school etc. if you feel the need to loot. Two UAZ spawns very close, an ATV spawn at Klen hill and about 4 deer stands in the area between the lake and Berezino. Also a PBX spawn right to the east on the coast line. It is pretty easy to survive there almost indefinitely until you get bored of it.
  17. fortran

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    The reason your catching so much flak is down to the way your playing and presenting mate. People don't like to see mindless server hopping coast sniping with every possible in-game easy-mode "aid" turned on, just read the forum for 5 minutes and you will quite easily see for yourself how 95% of the community here perceives coastal banditry, most especially with a 50 cal and nametags/range turned on. You put "amazing" in your tags for the post, again, your presenting this in completely the wrong way. If you want people to like your content then show some skill or at the very least something where your facing a challenge or on an even playing field with the targets you're engaging, even if you're killed in the process, or create something funny, or show a positive aspect of the game etc. If you're going to post up a video of you trying to farm easy kills and basically playing like a bit of an asshat then don't be too shocked that nobody enjoys it. I get it's your first DayZ upload and you were no doubt excited about it and wanted to get some positive feedback from it but this just isn't the type of gameplay people want to see, it makes no odds who creates or posts it this kind of thing will always get a bad reception. Don't let it put you off though, make more but just try to upload something that people can appreciate. Now you know exactly what people don't like maybe you will have a better idea of what you could upload next.
  18. fortran

    DayZ Medic Lets Play! (saving players anywhere)

    Nice to see something positive going on, only thing I would suggest is maybe start a bit closer to the action, although you did mention that in the video yourself. If there was more going on, ie you had to fight your way to the survivor your helping then fine. Anyway keep it up, good to see people helping others. :)
  19. fortran

    Sniping At Balota Airport

    Nametags ✓ Using tags to get range ✓ Server hopping to farm kills ✓ Getting a total of 2 kills in a video all about banditry and sniping ✓ Camping a high traffic area for fresh spawns ✓ Missing a stationary chicken ✓ Missing a stationary Zed ✓ Using the word "Amazing" in the tags for this post ✓ I don't even know where to start....no wonder you mention you are bored in the video, anybody would be bored with the complete lack of challenge you are giving yourself playing like this.
  20. Nice vid, heli crash sites are my favoured way to gear up also. Also while I agree a compass is quite essential when operating in a group, especially for call outs, as a solo survivor its not quite as essential although still very handy. Clouds move west to east in Arma2/DayZ so provided its not fully overcast you can easily find north just by glancing up at the sky.If that fails its also possible to get north from a watch + a shadow if need be or at night time by finding the north star if its not overcast.
  21. fortran

    Day Z Guy named jason

    Plenty of people doing it, but this guy is the "main" one who has managed to troll some of the larger youtube streams. http://www.youtube.com/user/SirExzib
  22. fortran

    more colorful?

    If you are intent on making Chernarus more "tropical" looking and you have an Nvidia GPU then just go to the Nvidia control panel > Display > Adjust Desktop Color Settings > Digital Vibrance and up it to your preferred amount. You won't be able to cap screenshots or video with that though as obviously it just effects the monitor output. But if you just want to play with more color then that will give you what you want.
  23. fortran

    Hiding bodies

    Hiding bodies plays a WAY more important role than just irritating people. Nothing puts me more on my guard than seeing dead Zeds, players or animals in an area. I hide every single thing I kill to prevent alerting people, if I had to dig a hole for 5 minutes I would be at it all day long.