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About rikardf

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  1. rikardf

    [SA] Endgame

    I fully agree, I know exactly what you mean, Like once i get a nice gun, Nice equipment and a nice vehicle there is nothing left for me to do apart from hunting bandits until someone without a bandit skin tricks me, And then i start over, Dayz is a great game but it gets boring really quick so i take frequent breaks every once in a while, And don't get me started on the humanity and banditry, The amount of bandits in the game is really making dayz only half of what it actualy could be, But what if instead of adding "factions/communties" to the game from the start they could give the players the ability to build their own from scratch, Like giving us the ability to invite people to our faction and make a chain of command etc etc and then give the faction the option to purge a area from infected and then build walls around the area or something. (Sorry for my horrible grammar and spelling but i don't have time to check dat shiz at the moment.)
  2. rikardf

    Killing bandits.

    Holy shite where did he find a chopper like that?
  3. rikardf

    Killing bandits.

    I got one that happend to me like 6 months ago. >Newly respawned in Cherno >Got an axe and food so i decide to head to the firestation >Fairly new to the game so i decide to climb to the roof >Hear a few cracking noises and two bullets just whiz past me and hit the tower behind. >Holyshit.jpg >See two dudes both with ak's running towards me from the field >One of them decides to try to kill me from the tower while the other one waits near the ladder >Instant panic. >Decide to stand near the tower right next to the window >Suddenly i see a AK pop out the window >Scream in my barbaric viking voice and stab him two times in the chest before he starts to fire wildly. >He collapses and i head to the ladder to check if his bandit friend still is waiting for me >Can't see him so i decide to climb down >As i begin to climb down i spot two fellas in the tower aiming at me, One appears to be bleeding >More gunshots are fired >The gunshots aggroe'd lots of nearby zombies >Run into the firestation and hide in a nearby corner to avoid the zombies >About a minute passes before i hear the footsteps comming from the stairs above me >About 4-7 curios zombies have decided to take a relaxing walk inside the firestation >Suddenly in the blink of an eye both bandits have entered the firestation bottom floor and are busy shooting the zombies inside >Epic rush of destiny and memory black out >STAB SLASH HACK STAB STAB HACK SLASH >See one death message in the chatbar >Watch from the corner as the other bandit is being eaten alive to the victorious music of him screaming in agonizing pain. >Puts on shades "Another day, Another bandit" and walk away in slow motion.
  4. rikardf

    Shooting From Vehicles

    Sounds kinda like CoD to me :P
  5. No you don't, A Ural, V3 and Uaz can take all of you at once. Don't be an asshole, use tents for storage.
  6. rikardf

    Killing bandits.

    Away with you vile beggar >:(
  7. Howdy honest survivors of the wasteland, I salute thy for not taking the vile way of the filthy parasite known as banditry. Killing bandits its more than just aiming and shooting, Its more of a sport. And nothing beats bragging to yer friends and neighbors about the time when you tea-bagged the **** out of this sad excuse of "survivor". So post your stories that involve killing bandits, And tips on how to avoid/kill bandits is also welcome! Stay friendly out there fellas! :thumbsup:
  8. rikardf

    Your first murder!

    I was chilling in Elektro and took a peak inside the firestation for any goodies, I only had a hatchet, And then suddenly someone starts to shoot at me from the field nearby, I quickly run down the stairs and attempt to flee only to realize there are two of them (Both had aks), We chase eachother around the firestation for a while til i suddenly turn around and charge them, I killed them both c: Karma for the beanbandits trying to kill somoene that only has a hatchet.
  9. The issue here is that once the players disconnects the place will probably be razed to the ground, So what if a few npc guards can be spawned inside the city so they could shoot the zombies wandering in and the folks shooting others inside the city pheraps?