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About Neero

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Neero

    All server down again?

    Same problem.. Get stuck on either waiting for host or character to create. 3 friends with the same problem.
  2. Neero

    How do broken bones work?

    Yeah broken bones are just a chance thing, fainting though should only happen under 9k blood as far as I know.
  3. This sounds brilliant! Have been looking for some people to play with and I love the sound of this. My steam and skype is Mentalbroccoli
  4. Neero

    Starting a comunity camp

    Yeah it'll be tough at first. But the more ppl we get and the more things we gather the easier it'll get. As long as someone survives in camp the gear won be lost.
  5. Neero

    Starting a comunity camp

    Love this idea and am definitely in. Live in Sweden and have been looking for other ppl to play with but most threads I see are for US. Will be adding you on steam :)