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About fenririv

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Zelenogorsk, Chernarus.
  1. fenririv

    Worst Game Experience ever

    Rocket rustled your jimmies, i cry with tears of glee.
  2. fenririv

    Elysium Corps

    I'm an 11 year OFP/ARMA veteran, suitably equiped for a lone ranger, have been playing DayZ for around two months or so. Know the need for seriousness, not one to cock about, can fill a variety of roles. Steam: DominicStone
  3. fenririv

    Banned from US1085

    What a splendid idea.
  4. Oh Internet Drama, you never dissapoint me.
  5. Trading shotgun salvos across the street from the Cherno apartment balconies was amusing.
  6. fenririv

    Taking Slaves (Video)

    Manipulated so easily!
  7. I'm going to enjoy killing them as they repair / refuel their amazing find, will give them some idea of No pain, no gain. Cushy survivors/bandits.
  8. Its generally better to have a spotter/mule carry one and range targets as a sniper can often lose* targets once they finally determine the range. * By lose, i mean as the targets can run out of sight, disconnect, or move into cover.
  9. fenririv

    It's coming ............

    The OP and responses in this thread.
  10. fenririv

    TOP 10 things that ruin immersion for DayZ

    Nearly all of those are engine limitations, the other half aren't really immersion killers, simply nice touches to improve immersion as they're not in the game yet.
  11. fenririv

    thanks for the stuffs dear dupers/hoarders

    I hope you used the vehicles to drive over the tents, it would be just.
  12. fenririv

    Increase view distance.

    Was sniping at NW Airfield tonight, could only see upto ~860 metres due to fog/rain, when my VD was set to 4.2KM, just a heads up that it could be the server/map geography as opposed to mod limitations.
  13. Imbeciles.. thank you for highlighting this.
  14. fenririv

    best loot :)

    What a nice citizen.