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Everything posted by Swineflew

  1. Swineflew

    We all know it. But it is out of hand now.

    This man has a license to ill.
  2. Swineflew

    Waste of time

    All this stuff can happen by a guy running around the woods. Play for the journey, not the gear.
  3. Swineflew

    We all know it. But it is out of hand now.

    A lot of bad posting up in hurr.
  4. Swineflew

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    Don't play a sandbox if you don't like the way other people play with their sand. Check out the forum superstar below me lol. Can't wait to see these pro videos.
  5. Swineflew


    I just feel like people either don't know or don't care about how young this game (mod) actually is. They want a stable project and are too impatient to actually play as the game grows. It bothers me that people act like coding and scripting fixes are so easy and the reason that hacking or graphical issues aren't fixed is because people are too lazy to do it. Attacks on BE are annoying also. People don't realize it's a game of cat and mouse and the only good way to prevent hacking is to make it cost ineffective for the hacker. Any time a hack gets fixed by BE they adjust the code and continue hacking. The reason they wait to mass ban is so that they can log a ton of players instead of one guy getting banned and saying "hey don't hack till the next hack program version comes out" and some people won't buy another CD key to start hacking again. People are too shortsighted and don't look at the bigger picture and that is maddening to me Rant over..... For now.
  6. Swineflew

    Reduce the amount of zombies in remote towns?

    I agree. I see more zombies in a small town than in cherno. That makes the small towns worthless to me.
  7. Swineflew

    Should the Mod be abandoned

    I want rocket to test crazy shit using the mod (read: I want a legit G36) Ideally I'd like him to fix artifacting for good and leave the mod alone mostly. I just don't want anything to take away from the standalone, but no updates means losing interest and overall could lose players.
  8. Swineflew


    Well the title of a thread is supposed to indicate the topic of the discussion and we've already heard this stupid "I paid $30 for THIS" argument 1000000 times, so I understand why they wouldn't read an OP that hints at being an uneducated whinefest. That being said, that made this an enjoyable thread.
  9. "Game is unplayable" Meanwhile thousands of people still playing.
  10. Well since there is already a thread on the front page about this I'm willing to say other people are having the same issue.
  11. Am I the only person who sees an artifact and heads away from it?
  12. Aside from your forums being the wrong place to report hacking, I'd just like to say its a bold statement to state that players resort to hacking because they've been hacked. That's not really how morality works, and I'd be very surprised if that was a true statement.
  13. Swineflew

    Bandit skin is awesome

    I honestly don't understand the issue. Everyone came in here crying "EVERYONE KILLS ON SIGHT" and now bandits are worried about being shot on sight? A lot of derpin going on up in this thread.
  14. You've never been asked that before?
  15. Maybe if you made a bug report in the correct forum you would receive a better reception.
  16. I understand that, and addressed it in the part of my quote you left out.
  17. Mods sticking up for this is disappointing to me. There shouldn't be a double standard for hackers. "He hacks in a nice way so it's OK" is something that I can't get behind. Like it or not being a mod gives your opinions a certain type of authority and power, and adding fuel to the "hackers are ruining the game" fire is something I'd suggest steering clear of. Of course I'm just some nobody posting on a forum so I hope I don't come off sounding "preachy" of condescending.
  18. Swineflew

    does a ghillie cover up a bandit skin

    Don't worry, the same people who KOS are going to KOS and the same friendly people are going to avoid you. If you meet someone else just say that a survivor shot you with a makarov and you killed them. It Happens all the time, you'll see that even friendly players have bandit skins from defending themselves. You have nothing to worry about.
  19. Welcome to modded games. We hope you enjoy your stay.
  20. Larger targets are generally more fun. I either look for a large target, which makes hit and runs and intel very easy to get. Basically it's like robbing at Walmart. There is so much to steal its hard for employees to keep track of everything. OR I look for targets that I can dominate. They have an attackable infrastructure and I'm simply able to overpower them. You guys have structure and tents and camps etc That's what makes you open to attacks like this. You can't retaliate against Dan because he has nothing to target. That's just how I look at things though.
  21. Swineflew

    Bandit skin is awesome

    What I think is funny is that people think that a bandit skin is going to change something. It won't.
  22. I'd rather a simple mag combine or ammo pool and let the devs work on more important issues imo.
  23. This thread isn't what I thought it was going to be. Although I still hope that ALL hackers get banned and I wish people would educate themselves even a little bit about the uphill battle anti-cheat services have to deal with.
  24. Swineflew

    need a satchel charge

    When saying you're trading something, try not to tell people you're willing to pay even more than your original offer.
  25. Swineflew

    Bandit skin is awesome

    Shut up and wear your towel. The only problem I have is it looks fucking stupid. Survivor body with an ugly towel wrapped around my face? Check.