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Everything posted by Swineflew

  1. It's definitely supposed to be a week of not being saved it should despawn. That being said, nobody ever clarified if resets restart that 7 day timer iirc.
  2. Swineflew

    I have a simple question

    Wtf? Do you realize how rare a cz550 is? I'd trade it ASAP for some common items like as50 and NVGs.
  3. Swineflew

    The problem with modern gaming

    I thought you were going to have a valid argument about hand holding and how older games weren't afraid to kill you brutally. You only need evidence if you actually plan on reporting people, if you don't plan on filing a report if someone is hacking, then just play normally.
  4. If you have a bunch of tents duping is happening.
  5. Adding to the already huge weapon inflation really doesn't help anyone. Destroy the guns and move on.
  6. Swineflew

    TEAM rocket, Are you there?

    You think Team Rocket has time to read your posts? They're protecting the world for devestation and uniting all people within the nation to denounce the evils of truth and love to extend their reach to the stars above.
  7. Swineflew

    We all know it. But it is out of hand now.

    If you want to Post then you should be forced to do it intelligently.
  8. All you need is a screenshot with the ban reason showing disconnecting during pvp.
  9. Swineflew

    US 401

    I was thinking more about it and I believe that rocket said in the standalone version "bases" will be instanced so there is no way to server hop into them. I know that isn't the case here, but I hope it gives you something to look forward to since I understand your frustration with the current system.
  10. Swineflew


    Not the brightest bulb in the pack, but at least you're honest. I'll give you that.
  11. Swineflew

    Weapon/backpack/toolbelt wiping

    BUGs suck. REPORTs help FORUMs are a good place to start.
  12. Swineflew

    Fix the fucking humanity system

    I love when people destroy their own argument before they even get to make it.
  13. Swineflew

    We all know it. But it is out of hand now.

    I have a better idea, how about the unarmed player stop making themselves an easy target to snipers? There is a risk/reward with cities, and if you don't know that you'll learn it fairly quick. "Hey I keep getting shot running to this popular city, let me run back to that city and get gear" Does nobody else see the problem with that line of thought?
  14. Swineflew

    How the "inspect body" system works

    There needs to be a cow related pun. Like off the top of my head "Looks like the cow got shot" Guess he couldn't.... MOOve out of the way YYEEEAAAAAHHH
  15. Ah, a nonbeliever. Go there yourself, you'll see. Don't say we didn't warn you......
  16. Swineflew

    Hmm, dearstands

    Dear Stands, I'd appreciate you spawning items for us. Mr Stands you have been a great asset so far and would hate to see that ruined by bad item spawning. Once again Mr. Stands I'd like you to review your item spawn behavior and get back with us. Sincerely, Swineflew AKA stupid kid.
  17. Swineflew

    Okay, wtf Rocket...

    Sounds like a BUG There's probably a way to REPORT In another FORUM. I'd like to think so at least.
  18. Swineflew

    [IDEA] Enable side chat with a new item?

    A ) This isn't the suggestion forums B ) Radios have been suggested 100 times as well as batteries for flashlights nvg and anything else that requires power C ) Bumping your own topics annoy me. If its a good topic people will post, if not let it die. D ) I support radios and batteries.
  19. Swineflew

    US 401

    Metagaming isn't going anywhere. Comparing it to eve is a bad example. Metagaming in eve is off the charts compared to dayz. However currently with the ability to abuse the hive by server hopping is a legit issue. I'd like the ability to have an item zone off an area so that players can't spawn there. Of course it would need balancing to prevent abuse, but that's getting off topic.
  20. Swineflew

    AS50 or M14 aim

    AS50 so you can ladder drop 360 no scope some scrubs.
  21. Swineflew

    How the "inspect body" system works

    Your meme is bad and you should feel bad.
  22. I miss it a lot, but I understand why it's gone.
  23. Swineflew

    US 401

    I'm not going to lie, I chuckled to myself a bit when I saw all the restarts after you claim "just 2 a day"
  24. Swineflew


    Quality admin right here. Enjoy your blacklist.