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Everything posted by Swineflew

  1. The only "safe haven" I'd condone is a player run safe haven and I think that would only work if players could distinguish between who is who better, which I think is being worked into the game eventually. An artificial safe zone is just stupid, and no I don't server hop or altf4 or any of that stupid crap, the idea itself is just bad.
  2. Swineflew

    A way to spice up DayZ endgame.

    People that need endgame in a sandbox style game actually need an imagination instead.
  3. Swineflew

    Getting kicked for doing a good deed

    Careful, your ego is showing.
  4. Swineflew

    Getting kicked for doing a good deed

    I just can't believe this story. I'm sorry but what makes you so special and admin would kick you out of the hundreds of people that they play with a day? I just don't understand these admin conspiracy threads.
  5. Swineflew

    Swineflew's Journal

    7-25-12 Well, I played a bit more and the same bad luck, I got in a deer stand near Balota and and Z knocked me down while coming down the ladder (the stand had no loot either) and I was knocked out pretty much while he ate about 9000 of my blood. Respawned in cherno, found nothing in the fire station that I went too, but picked up an einfield from a barn on my journey to elektro. The western firestation was mostly empty nothing really of value, so I stopped by the supermarket on the way to the northern firestation and found some food, a map, and some matches, I'm promptly shot through the window and killed. That ended my adventures for the day. We'll see what the future brings, but today it brought nothing but bad luck, or maybe just bad gameplay on my part.
  6. Swineflew

    Swineflew's Journal

    I like using it for zombles since it was silenced. Of course it was my first SD so it was special to me. I did see the person who killed me walking around with it in my most recent update lol.
  7. Swineflew

    Swineflew's Journal

    7-25-12 I log in, double check my location. North of elektro, I then decide to make a trip to elektro before I make my next move. I'm fairly equipped so I'm not too worried about running into opposition. I debate on setting up a tent and messing with that as I've never done it before, but I decide I'll wait until later. After flanking the firehouse I decide to survey the area with my binocs. Area looks pretty dead. As usual I enter the fire house from the back door, then close it behind me. I walk to the red bay door to close them too before heading up the stairs, when all of a sudden someone walks in! I shoot quickly killing the person who follows the first survivor in! I get a few shots off on the next guy as my character drops to the ground of a broken leg, I unload my clip into the person ahead of me. Too late though, and that is my first death in 2 days. I spawn to the west of cherno and decide to do a quick run by of the supermarket before I race to elektro to see if I can get all that phat lewt before the other team gets there. Didn't find too much at the supermarket, although a full water canteen made me happy. I decide to peek into the firehouse and can't resist picking up a gun. I hear a shot and run like mad around the corner, then drop dead like 40 seconds later. Lag I guess. I then spawn to the east of elektro and run back to the firestation. It's too late and the 2 guys are there already looting all the goods. They sit in there awhile before I see one of them leave so I start to crawl into a better position when someone spawns in the server staring straight at me. I'm vaguely hidden but I freeze, as the person stares at me they obviously aren't sure what to do until it happens, they fire one shot right into my head and I'm dead. I decide to take a break since I'm not having any luck so far and update my journal. I may play a bit later today and see if I can turn my luck around.
  8. Swineflew

    Antibiotics for sale.

    I'll give you forum beans for your drugs.
  9. It's heartbreaking to me that this thread is still going.
  10. Swineflew

    Call me Day Z (music parody)

  11. Swineflew

    The solution to Alt-F4

    I don't really see the downside of your character staying on that server for 5-10 seconds after you log out. Heck I'd even go so far as to say 15-30 seconds doesn't seem unreasonable to me, but then again I only log out when I'm safe. Edit: I also don't see how making ammo less frequent helps the rarity of items "issue" that you put forth.
  12. Swineflew

    Swineflew's Journal

    Ah, well thanks for that helpful criticism. Although I think I'm a friendly enough guy, the only person I feel that wouldn't have shot me back is the guy who never saw me coming. The other ones I'm not so sure about.
  13. Swineflew

    Swineflew's Journal

    Yea, that's mostly why I decided to post in the bandit section. Thanks for reading though! Any tips, suggestions, criticisms?
  14. Swineflew

    People can be friendly

    I normally play shoot on sight, but when someone speaks on voice chat I let them go usually, although I warn them that if they point their gun at me I WILL fire quickly. Voice chat can tend to make it "more real" for me.
  15. I think there is a lot of admin paranoia. I know that it's likely that there are some admins that abuse their power, but you come to the forums and everyone has a conspiracy theory about omnipotent admins knowing every movement a player makes and as soon as they do something the server shuts down or they get kicked etc.
  16. Swineflew

    Ugh. This is frustrating!

    This was my first thought also.
  17. Swineflew

    Need help at Kamyshovo, right of electro

    What server, I'll come put you out of your misery.
  18. Swineflew

    can you stash items?

    I haven't found a tent yet, so I'm not familiar with how they work. What do you mean "save your tents when you're about to leave"?
  19. You need to understand that there are gaming mechanics that have to circumvent the "realism" standard or the game fundamentally wouldn't work. Of course people have to respawn or nobody would play, buy a game, die, and be done with it. The realism is that you don't just respawn, you start over. Like it or not ARMA was aimed at realism, so yes it is a valid argument and no, it's not a valid counter argument when you use in out of context.
  20. Swineflew

    Help For New Streamer...

    Just use file -> add media file and add an image, I use a facecam to block chat and a little black bar to block my name. Of course I barely ever stream so I have no viewers anyway :( so it's really a non-issue until you get some people watching you.
  21. So many games have restrictions, or player help, or a safe zone, or ways to have your hand held. This game doesn't have that and people LOVE IT. I can't understand why people think that a game developer should cater to them. The developers have a vision for the game, and they make the game in accordance to that, a true tragedy is when a game is changed purely for profits so that it caters to the masses and everyone is safe and gets items handed to them.
  22. I can't imagine how boring the game would be without a pvp element. You also aren't getting "PK'd every 2 minutes" Not all games are going to be either pvp or pve based. This game isn't for you, and that's 100% fine, but saying the game will fail is ignorant and a statement based on anger.. and ignorance. This game didn't become viral for the PvE aspect alone, of course that's arguable, but PvP was in the game when it happened.
  23. Depending on where I spawn, use an out of game map. Example What I like to do is find a deer stand or firehouse, they're the best chance of finding something good fast.
  24. YES Give me a melee weapon to start and this would be awesome. Being 100% defenseless against a sole zombie is a bummer.
  25. And that's fair to the average player how? For example when I play games like this I don't study weapons, or spawn points of anything like that. If I find a gun on someones corpse then I'm going to take it. I shouldn't have to google search DAYZ LEGIT WEAPON LIST to find out if I'm allowed to use the gun. Edit: The fact that there is confusion over a gun in this very topic is proof enough that someone just having a hacked gun on them shouldn't be grounds for a ban. Remove their inventory, kill them, whatever, but banning a player because they picked up a gun off a dead body and aren't experts on dayz weapons is beyond stupid.