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Everything posted by Swineflew

  1. Swineflew


    It's in one of the stickies. The link is about a standalone version. It's hard to link stuff on my phone or I'd find it for you.
  2. Swineflew

    Why does everyone want me dead?

    If there is 1 thing that you do or don't do is let other people tell you how to play. The whole point of dayz is the game is what the players make it. Play the game how you want to play it. If you want the game to change you need to change it. Group up, help new players, teach them and have them pay it forward. Punish bandits by traveling in groups, stick with a pack mentality. Or Shoot on sight and increase your chances of survival at the cost of your morality. These are choices you need to make. YOU are responsible for changing the game because Rocket already said he won't do it for you. Players balance the game, not him.
  3. Swineflew

    Newbies and Wikis

    To be fair, there are dayz related things that need to be looked up. For example you loot a body and find a gun that you've never seen before, awesome you loot it and don't want to look up anything about it, you just learned that this gun exists. But now you're banned? Wtf happened. Oh that gun was hacked into the game and since you didn't verify it was a legit weapon on the wiki you're now banned. There is a strong reliance on the metagame. Now I'm not saying learn weapon stats or drop rates or anything as severe as that, but learning that fire stations can drop assault weapons for some reason. By all means of you want to be a purist, go for it. I'm just warning that you are severely gimping yourself by playing at a handicap. Edit: also I don't like that you're claiming that learning the ropes is what makes dayz what it is. I feel like its more about players shaping the world and making the rules, I don't feel like learning how to survive is the point of the game, only a side effect of the dayz project.
  4. Swineflew

    Map Notes

    Supermarkets have been good to me with maps.
  5. Swineflew

    DAY Z - in few month

    People made posts like this a few months ago claiming the sky is falling. It's fine. And even if it turned into a deathmatch, that's fine too. The game is what the players make it to be.
  6. Swineflew

    Map Notes

    I've looted maps with markers on them, so now I'm curious. I've never really payed attention to it.
  7. Swineflew

    Why does everyone want me dead?

    Listen if you aren't a hunter you should travel in packs for safety. Look up the story of the scorpion and the alligator I think it is. Short story, but great point.
  8. Swineflew

    Newbies and Wikis

    I disagree. Wondering around being zombie food or bandit bait isn't fun. It doesn't get fun, and will likely never be fun. There are a lot of aspects of this game that aren't intuitive and need to be looked up. There is a decent meta game forming around dayz and to discourage people from learning that isn't helping anyone.
  9. Swineflew


    Although I understand your true to realism approach, at the end of the day it IS a game, and if playing a hardcore realistic survivor attempting to stay alive for as long as you can no matter the seclusion is not fun, then you shouldn't play that way. The beauty of this game is the freedom, and dont worry, rocket has some very cool stuff lined up for survivors in the long run.
  10. Swineflew

    Help with Tents

    I'll try this later when I get home. It was driving me nuts yesterday. Does it have to be a pretty flat and open area or does the game just hate pitching tents?
  11. Swineflew

    Why does everyone want me dead?

    Honestly if you typed it out I would have shot and looted you too. Voice comes and hearing someone actually makes me think about what I'm going to do. I play a survival of the fittest. You were weak and injured, saw no value in keeping you alive, and I did see value in your gear so I would have shot too.
  12. Swineflew


    Food doesn't last forever. Neither does water. Plus that guy who wants loot and notices the church is going to be a bit of a challenge compared to zeds. Although I do understand your dilemma. My play style is more of a bandit role, so it's easy to keep myself busy.
  13. Swineflew

    FN FAL price check

    I found one with a single mag, didn't know if it was worth anything. I guess it's a rare helicopter crash only weapon, but didn't know if it was actually worth anything. Just curious.
  14. Swineflew


    A quick note about something I learned. If you can't see in the windows it means you can't go inside the building. So windows are what you should look for to get into buildings. I'd also avoid tiny towns, for some reason the small towns are flooded with zombies and you aren't going to find decent loot. I'd start by finding a farm and looking or a weapon there, then either hit the cities and check supermarkets and fire stations or try your luck with deer stands. In my experience deer stands are safer, but more spread out so longer to loot, cities are much more dangerous, but finding loot is pretty easy. Of course you should be using an out of game map to find the locations I mentioned.
  15. Swineflew

    FN FAL price check

    I took it off a body in a fire station. I'm sure I'll keep it until I die (won't be long) but I was just wondering if it was worth anything. If I use all the ammo maybe I'll trade it if anyone wants it, assuming I don't die. I'll update this post if I decide to trade it. Edit: If you read my journal you'd know how I found it =p
  16. Swineflew


    Then to a lot of us you're playing a military sim wrong.
  17. Swineflew

    Weird Attack

    Big foot.
  18. Seriously? You alt+f4'd? Do us all a favor and stop playing.
  19. Swineflew

    First impressions

    You're either lying or terrible at your job. I'm not trying to be mean, but you're the problem with the current gaming industry.
  20. Swineflew

    Bleeding forever...

    I thought it was going to be a thread about a zed punching you and you bleeding to death from a scratch. I got hit once and was in an open field and I lost so much blood trying to lose the zed. It was frustrating, but overall not a big deal.
  21. Swineflew


    "I don't like the way someone else enjoys the game. They play 100% in accordance to how the game is supposed to function, but I don't like it so they're obviously playing the game wrong"
  22. Swineflew

    Swineflew's Journal

    7-26-12 Logged in a bit west from my fav city Elektro and after flanking far north and east of the city I approach the northern firestation from the hills. I find a dead body hanging out the back door, but no other signs of life. I get an enfield off his body and a bandage, I also find a PDW (my first time) in the tower along with a G17. I decide to take the PDW since I've never used it before and head to the supermarket, on my way I decide to head into a building I see. After clearing the bottom rooms of some food I head upstairs slowly, nobody at the top of the stairs, clearing out the rooms I didn't really find anything...... until I walk past a room I'd already been in and get shot, knocked out while the person walks up to me and ends my life. He must have come up behind me. Crap never even got to fire a bullet from my PDW. Luckily I spawn west of Elektro and I race back to get the G17 from the firestation and run back to the building, but the guy is long gone. I retrieve my enfield that he didn't want, but my beloved PDW was gone. I head to the supermarket and find binocs and a map. Heading to west firestation I see someone run into the building, so I proceed slowly and peek in the back door, the survivor kills the chasing zombie with an m9sd, and boy do I love those, so I peek in as he heads to the stairs and fire off a great enfield shot that drops him to the ground, I quickly finish him off to find that he has a very nice stash of items. FN FAL Tent compass M9SD ALICE pack 8 bandages firewood matches toolkit An FN-FAL got me very excited so I went back to the northern firestation and plopped down on a hill overlooking the field that leads there from the supermarket, after about 5-10 minutes Kenny Graham runs through the field and I fire off about 8 terrible shots, finally ending his life. I crawl to him and find that he didn't really have anything of value, so I take his bandages and head to the north to place my first tent. I head to the lake and decide that a tent in that general area to the north west is in the middle of the woods and close to water, so after climbing the hill and failing to drop a tent for a good 30 minutes I decide that tents hate me and log out for the evening. I'm excited to have my FN FAL but ammo is very short and no matter how flat of ground I thought I was on, the tent didn't think it was good enough. I'd like to play around with it a bit since I've never messed with them before, but I'm having no luck. Oh well, there's always next time.
  23. Swineflew

    !Important Look!

    Well we should probably ignore a big problem with the game so that your family can save 30 seconds yelling for you.
  24. Swineflew

    Not playing DayZ until it's fixed.

    We'll miss you. J/K bye.
  25. Then you're tired of playing DayZ.