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Everything posted by Swineflew

  1. I think that there are other ways to stop server hopping. One off the top of my head is making certain zones un-logoffable. For example of you log off in a zone that's been protected when you log in you'll spawn somewhere randomly, like anywhere on the map, or just the coast. This would require you to log off in the woods or somewhere remote. I don't like the mindset of "this is the only solution to this problem"
  2. Swineflew

    To clan [SS] on US367

    I love experiences like this. It's the thrill like this that many games can't emulate.
  3. Swineflew

    My First Murder (Video Included)

    Thank goodness for name tags I suppose.
  4. Swineflew

    Carbon Tactics clan - Now Recruiting

    Aw snap son. It's about to be on like donkey kong. Edit: App Age - 26 What role are you applying for in this clan - Sniper/overwatch How much experience do you have playing Dayz - Few months in, mostly doing solo banditry. Do you have ventrillo and a working microphone - Yes Are you a serious player works well with others and doesn't mess around during missions- I've been a GM for a WoW raiding guild and am currently an officer of that guild for 4 years, so I'm used to teamwork and group play..... and being made fun of for playing WoW. -------- 1) You have just respawned near cherno and make it a goal of yours to enter the city to acquire basic supplies. As you get closer you hear multiple gunshots and sniperfire, you notice only 1 person dies. What do you do from here to get in and out as safely as possible? Normally when respawning near cherno at least the west side of the city I'll rush into the southern supermarket and then the firestation nearby. I try to hit and run and always stay in as much cover as I can regardless if I know someone is in the area or not. I always assume I'm being watched in cherno unless I've done sufficient scouting, which I don't do when I'm newly spawned with no gear. 2) You are playing as a heavy assault role, and as you are running with your 5-man squad near Stary Sobor, you hear a single sniper shot and 1 of your teammates gets killed. What do you do from here (and retreat is never an option)? Immediately take cover and try to assess where the sniper is located. I would attempt to lay down suppressive fire while the team flanks the sniper from multiple directions. If my sniper is alive I'll lay down fire while they get into position to counter snipe. 3) We are entering the city of elektro to give assistance to a wounded teammate located in the store. You are told their is 1 nearby sniper with range of the store and 2 nearby riflemen, all who are attempting to finish off our comrade. You are in command of a 5 man squad and must help him + eliminate the threat. What are your orders from here? Ideally I'd approach from the west and have our sniper setup in the northern firestation and attempt to locate the sniper. After he is able to clear the northern hills of a sniper we'd make our way along the northern outskirts of the town while our sniper tries to countersnipe their sniper. I'd attempt to have our wounded teammate make his way to the back of the store where our sniper could provide better coverage until we got there. Once he's healed we would hopefully have the position of either the riflemen or the sniper and be able to outgun and outflank them with our better intel. Locating the sniper would be key to this mission playing out in our favor.
  5. Swineflew

    To you lazy snipers.

    I love when people come to the forums going "This guy killed me but he was so bad" or "his aim was terrible" or some variation of an insult. Are you really that petty? Are you a video game hawkeye or something? If you died and he didn't then he won. If you didn't die and he didnt die it was a tie.
  6. The zombie threat is brutal because you're new. If you're being chased run full speed and zigzag near trees or through buildings and you'll lose them without ever being hit. The only time they're a pain for me is when I want to shoot someone.
  7. Swineflew

    What should I try next?

    Join a clan?
  8. Swineflew

    No backbags anymore?

    I'd suggest creating a bug report in the bug report forums.
  9. There is no way to make it impossible for solo players to get weapons. I could always loot one from a dead player. The game is very young, if you stick with it you will see team play rewarded and more "end game" content as the game evolves and grows.
  10. Changing zombies is not the answer to encourage teaming up. Reward teamwork while not making solo play harder. That is the best solution.
  11. Play eve. It's full of great shit like this.
  12. Its happened. The only time I ever had the change to shoot someone as soon a they logged in I didn't have a gun and they got me instead. It was kinda funny.
  13. Oh come on, minor safety increase? It's easier to get loot, heck clans are able to build tent cities and hoard vehicles and do whatever they want. There are benefits to team play, just not to trusting strangers.
  14. You realize that you're saying the same thing about solo play right.....?
  15. Making weapons more rare encourages me personally to kill people for their rare gear. Now I have good gear and can kill people more easily since they're I'll equipped to handle me.
  16. No, working together should be rewarded. You can't penalize one type of gameplay to force people into another type of gameplay. Edit. Autocorrect was being silly.
  17. Zeds could be a lot harder to kill and I don't think it would change too much. I think rewarding group play instead of trying to force it is a better route.
  18. I would argue that it's not really that hard to keep track of friendlys. Strength in numbers is going to win a majority of the time. Can lone players get lucky or clever and win? Of course. For example I was playing in a local server last night and it was dark, I don't usually play at night, but once I log in I usually stick it out for a little bit. I do my usual fire station looting in elektro when I see a light, someone is running with a flashlight, so I line him up and realize that he's with another player, so I take out the guy with a gun, then mr flashlight. So because of the stupidity of one person I killed 2. After that a car drove by and 2 people got out and started searching the area so I took off through the field towards the northern fire station. We're they together? Could I have killed them? I don't know, all I know is that me being alone worked in my advantage, but I'd say it's the exception and not the rule.
  19. Swineflew

    Stop trying to make DayZ...

    They are role playing. If they weren't they'd be shooting people on sight IRL.
  20. Join a corp. errrr.... Clan Sometimes I have Eve flashbacks. Sorry.
  21. Swineflew

    This gave me cancer

    Ha ha. +1
  22. Swineflew

    From Survivor to Bandit in 1 week

    I'm glad your gameplay has evolved, but I believe you should play the way you want to play and not let other people dictate how you enjoy the game.
  23. Swineflew

    being kicked

    Check this out maybe http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49560-99-problems-playing-day-z/ GL.
  24. Swineflew


    The way I understand it is arma is designed to accept outside scripts for players to create special scenarios and will always be somewhat easier to hack unless it goes Standalone. At least that's what I got out of an interview I saw.
  25. Swineflew

    General Weapon Poll

    Good thing this isn't real life.