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Everything posted by Swineflew

  1. Bandit skin really wasn't the death sentence that people are pretending it was. I freaking loved it. A lot of people didn't KOS just because of the bandit skin, global chat was enabled then so all you had to do was say "Guy shot me and I killed him and now I have a bandit skin wtf I don't murder people". Bring back the skin, not for balancing or anything stupid like that, but because I liked it.
  2. Swineflew

    Balota, worth it for new spawns?

    The deer stands are always more work then they've been worth in my experience.
  3. Ah yes, another player who lets the actions of others dictate your play. You've become the very zombies you're fighting against. Welcome to the horde.
  4. Swineflew


    Words evolve. Deal with it.
  5. Swineflew

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44170-nz-16-hacking-teleports-and-animals-names-inside/#entry419681 Come on guys, finding out he is shinfo wasn't hard.
  6. Swineflew

    Anyway to report these guys?

    Posting in a /vg thread.
  8. Swineflew

    My screen shaking

    There are 2 reasons for shaking. Due to being cold or being in pain. Not sure why there's a debate going on.
  9. If big issues were easy to be fixed not only would they not be big issues, but they'd be fixed. I hate posts like this. If these fixes are so easy, go ahead and feel free to submit the fixes to rocket.
  10. If you alt f4 to avoid something INGAME it's a bad reason.
  11. Swineflew

    Four Warning Points?

    Yea if it's forum points then stop making shit posts.
  12. Swineflew

    Four Warning Points?

    On the forums?
  13. Swineflew

    Stuck on black "loading" screen - Help!

    I mean it worked for me when I had that problem, that's why I suggested it. I normally use six launcher, but it was giving me the loading problem.
  14. Swineflew

    Zero's Taxi Service

    This would be pretty cool. Id imagine your safety would be an issue though. You might want to consider some protection or you might end up losing a couple rides. Props for why you're doing though.
  15. And what are the odds of him providing that?
  16. I'm not sure why people act like pvp was added after this game went viral. It's WHY this game went viral.
  17. Swineflew

    Stuck on black "loading" screen - Help!

    Try manually updating dayz and battleeye and launching the game through steam.
  18. Swineflew


    You could literally be killed at any second and lose everything. I don't care how careful you are. You could log in right in front of someone and get shot, or someone server hops behind you and kills you, or you glitch out and die, or a sniper tags you. And if you're "too safe" for any of that to happen a hacker can teleport you and kill you. You're not safe and to think that losing your items to a 1 time server transfer makes everything you've done "not worth it" then stop playing. Seriously.
  19. Metagaming is awesome, don't be a baby.
  20. Swineflew

    sd ammo?

    Im fairly sure I was given the option to load my m9sd with an m9 mag. I never really payed attention to it. Edit: I've seen people shoot suppressed guns without using subsonic rounds.
  21. I disliked they graying out effect. The first time it happened I was like "I'm surprised he got shot" and then I realized what it was. I really liked you mentioning skylining yourself and thought you should have went into a better explanation on that. Overall it was fairly well done. I think that you could have went into more detail and showed different examples for each step, but that's just how I would have done it.
  22. Swineflew

    sd ammo?

    That's a dumb mechanic. I've only used nonSD ammo in an SD gun. I'm surprised it doesnt work the other way around.
  23. Swineflew

    How it possible ?

    Let's all jump to conclusions and ban everyone on the server.
  24. Swineflew


    Matches usually give me a problem. Weird that you're lower priority (matches hatches weapon water bottle) completely eliminate your top 2 priorities. Mine is -weapon -matches -hatchet -water bottle I like to be able to sustain without going into own ASAP.
  25. I didn't know you could get parachutes.