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Everything posted by Swineflew

  1. Shut up. Your false sense of entitlement is showing.
  2. Although that same spot is where I shoot noobs in elektro from..... 330m to the fire station, 550 from the school and I think 650ish from the other fire station and the hospital. I haven't found a sniper in a couple days so I haven't been up there in awhile, so my numbers could be off.
  3. Swineflew

    anyone with a passworded private server?

    You could probably check curgons post history of you really cared, but regardless of when he posted it you won't care. People don't change their mind based on facts. Religion and politics has proved that 100 times over. Edit: I looked it up, august 3rd.
  4. Swineflew

    Killing new players? Someone explain it to me...

    Nah, usually only angry people use homophobic slurs to insult people, that or you're a bigot. I guess only you know the truth. Regardless the reason that your possibly angry post amuses me is because this is a game that is highly advertised as harsh and unforgiving and yet people still come here crying. This isn't a game that will hold your hand. If you don't like dying and actually being penalized when you die go play COD or WoW. There are more games that you can count that don't penalize you for dying. Go play those. This is a game that rewards playing smart and punishes people playing stupid. Hellokittyisland.com might be more your speed.
  5. Swineflew

    Server shutdowns

    So 3 random unrelated servers all get shutdown at the same time? Seems legit.
  6. I'm not surprised at all that you played Eve. I'm really excited to see where this game goes because I love eves politics and espionage, but I hate blobs and station camping, pos bashing etc. This thread gives me hope. Although you say you're not posting this for entertainment a part of me hopes that you'll reconsider and further encourage this type of gameplay.
  7. I think I'm going to start keeping record of my sessions. I do live stream but every guy and his brother streams and the vods aren't saved not to mention the streams can be boring when a lot of travel is involved. 7-24-12 I start out on a lonely beach. I was alt tabbed out when I spawned or wasn't paying attention when my location came up so I'm lost (which happens a lot without an in game map). I start heading west. Eventually I run across a city and see a fire station, and from there I see another fire station in the distance, so I think I'm in elektro. Zombies are all over and I'm on the hill next to the northern fire station. I'm totally unarmed at this point, so I crawl the whole way. I try to enter the back door, but there is barb wire blocking the door. I go around and find a dead body at the bottom of the stairs an take the Winchester and a few slugs off that body. I head up the ladder and find nothing of interest that I recall. I retreat back up the hill to organize my stuff and move food and drinks to my pack. I see someone crawling towards the fire station that I just left. He must get in his bag or do something because he's standing crouched alone. He's not too far away so I line him up in my sights and fire off a shot. I hit him and he drops but not dead. I fire a few more rounds until he drops. I crawl to the body to find an m9sd and a few mags (my first silenced weapon) and a pack. I then head to the supermarket between fire stations, found a nice amount of food and a map (map is a lifesaver for me). I head to the other fire station and hear gunshots, so I creep into the back door and see a guy with his gun sights right on my. I react as quick as I can and kill him in a single shot. This guy was loaded, akm and some mags, compass, matches, mags, an Alice pack with some food and an m107 (iirc big sniper rifle) the sniper rifle had no mags. I head back to the other fire station before I retreat into the woods, once inside I hear shooting so I put my back to the wall under the stairs waiting for someone to enter. Out of the corner of my vision a rifle barrel is right next to my face. He didn't see me under the stairs. I kill him and he has nothing of any real value on his body. I retreat to the hills north of the city to check my gear and log out. This story is full of inaccuracies since I didnt decide to make this journal until a day later, my vods will likely be up for a few days if you check my stream, but they'll be deleted soon unless they get 100 views (fat chance lol). I'll keep updating this post and I'll make more accurate stories in the future.
  8. Swineflew

    Stole a Helicopter

    If you were banned I'm pretty sure it will say you were banned. Grats on stealing an admin chopper though. It's sad that the first thing you have to do with a stolen vehicle is save it asap to prevent restarts from taking it back.
  9. Swineflew

    This is just getting annoying.

    Next time don't distract from your story with random facts. Edit: I parked my atv at the store, went in looted everything and ran to the hospital, I looted a ton of stuff and put them in my tent. Later I logged back on and all my stuff was gone! Where did I leave my atv?
  10. That car is hacked in. Hope OP gets banned.
  11. Swineflew

    This is just getting annoying.

    The green mountain monster ate them.
  12. Who cares how somebody else plays this game. If they're playing within the rules then seriously who cares. I 100% support people playing the game however they want as long as its within the rules.
  13. Swineflew

    New bandit skin?

    He said he wants to add a scarf for bandits. That's not a scarf, but I like it either way.
  14. Swineflew

    Fly CSS: Chernarus Shuttle Service

    Can I recommend that someone pick up the passenger at the meet spot and take them via atv or truck to the chopper? Less likely to be ambushed if they have to chase a truck to the chopper.
  15. Swineflew

    Stary Sobor, UK 119.

    ITT: people taking gaming way too srs.
  16. Swineflew

    'OP' Guns and the Future of Dayz

    Fixing duping fixes this problem. Seriously.
  17. Swineflew

    anyone with a passworded private server?

    Norton. This just got creepy.
  18. Swineflew

    Stary Sobor, UK 119.

    Saw a video with either goons or 4channers doings motorcade with them, so they're like the vehicles for cool kids.
  19. Swineflew

    anyone with a passworded private server?

    You can rent your own server for cheap at Hellokittyisland.com They seem like a community that you can handle.
  20. A ) he didn't shoot anyone B ) even of he was going to shoot that guy, if he's on a roof rolling around he's probably a sniper and should get shot.
  21. Swineflew

    Killing new players? Someone explain it to me...

    Your anger amuses me.
  22. Swineflew

    'OP' Guns and the Future of Dayz

    This isn't really a weapon balance issue imo. If these rare weapons werent being hacked in an duped the rarity would balance out their strength. Although if you're getting shot by a sniper you're likely going to die regardless on which gun it is, unless you altf4.
  23. Swineflew

    Killing new players? Someone explain it to me...

    This is why your mother told you never to talk to strangers.
  24. Stardate 179.3 Happened to find a legend on the ancient "Internet" in regards to a primitive weapon being used to down an airship. People are still posting in this "forum" 1000 years later asking for a video, they must want a holo-recording of the event. The tale is laughable, it would be like taking out our ship with a phaser set to stun. Some cadets are still eager to see this "video" though and post about it to this very day...