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Everything posted by Swineflew

  1. Swineflew

    Does Difficulty matter?

    If you play veteran you're allowed to brag on the forums about how elite you are to people who play other difficulties. That's the biggest importance.
  2. Swineflew

    I found a heli.

    It might not be a direct trap. Posting it on the forums does make it an indirect trap. Edit: I think the patch enabled the option to drop items and it's off by default.
  3. Swineflew

    The tent problem...

    If you're having tent problems I feel bad for you son. I got 99 items and my tent holds none.
  4. Swineflew

    About the thunderdome...

    If I had to guess I'd say user ID spoofing. Hackers use your player ID and then that ID gets banned, and since it's your ID you're the one that gets banned. Like I said, just an uneducated guess.
  5. Swineflew

    Auto run, while doing other stuff(alt-tabbed)

    I agree. I've been asking games to play themselves for years and for some reason game companies want us to PLAY them, it's weird.
  6. Swineflew

    Brilliant. What the F*ck do I do now?

    Dayz myths showed that if you land on an object you can survive a very high fall with no blood dmg. You'll break your legs though.
  7. Swineflew

    The [NA] Recruiting

    Are you guys generally friendly or are you guys more KOS?
  8. Swineflew

    Auto run, while doing other stuff(alt-tabbed)

    Have you tried just playing the game? I have no problems running using human input.
  9. Swineflew

    Battleye Aware of False Positives

    Good to hear. Unfortunately even though battleye is obviously working towards a solution people only focus on the negatives.
  10. Swineflew

    us1638 Admin Camp

    If you know where it's at, just tell us the coords......
  11. How is that exactly?
  12. So what stops a clan or something from setting up in the server and just.... taking over?
  13. Swineflew

    DayZ Video- Baiting it out..YOLO

    So nothing at all happened? I was expecting you guys to get killed or something at least.
  14. Swineflew

    Can you get a wood pile from a tree.

    Wood from air? Who do you think he is, chuck Norris or something?
  15. Swineflew

    Sorry guys

    I welcome you to the dark side. You shall be henceforth known as Darth Buffjesus.
  16. I don't think OP listed a bunch of specific players and request that server admin ban them. Plus nobody believes him because there is no PROOOOOOOF. Maybe, just maybe, we hold a clan that hosts servers to a higher standard than some dude that is mad he got hacked by somebody.
  17. Swineflew

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    Ah the good ol class action lawsuit. Let me know how that goes lol.
  18. Swineflew

    Fighting the Fourth Dimension

    I just came here to give props for using a 4D analogy.
  19. Swineflew

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    The forums will ALWAYS be a vocal minority of players. Hacking has been a verified issue and has already been stated that it can't be fixed as a mod. The problem is that people don't read stickies and our mods are overly lenient.
  20. I'm actually surprised that there isn't any obvious Goon presence. This game seems right up their alley.
  21. Swineflew

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    Create a subforum for complaints and start giving warning points to people complaining in the general section. Nobody likes hackers, but there are people who want to actually discuss the game and are tired of being flooded with complaint threads.
  22. Swineflew

    global ban lifted, then banned again?

    Does BE really not send any info regarding bans or unbans?
  23. How could they relate your arma2 account to your new STANDALONE game?
  24. Swineflew


    I've used the flashlight on occasion.
  25. Swineflew

    I have everything, what should I do now?
