Thanks for the tips, but im not sure they will be of any help :( the last time I spawned I ran to a factory area and when I was crawling around a zombie ran at me from nowhere forcing me to run away. When I was trying to get rid of him (by running away since I had no means of defending myself) I just attracted more zombies. I ran into a building and climbed up a ladder since I didnt know zombies could climb then. When I discovered the opposite I made my way to they other side of the building climbing various ladders. I found some ammo and a hunting knife. After some time i saw that there was no ladders down from this side so I realiced that I either had to run past them, wich was not possible since the floor was just about 1 meter wide and then just fence and on the other side of the fence was a 10 meter fall down to the ground, or i'd have to kill them but I had nothing to do so with. And I could'nt jump down since there was a fence blocking the way and if I could have jumped down it would just have killed me. This is WAY too diffcult. Something to disable them or a melee weapon because this is utter madness.