Today there was a very embarrassing incident with the game and get Battleye.Ya now gone to a server that would just check the night or day .. After about 2 hours because I wanted to go back to the server, and I wrote this post is here "You were kicked of game. (BattleEye: Global Ban #***).I do not know what to do, go to the Russian punched the message server gave out, punched the other wrote the download and nothing more. Please do not tell me the bow and what to do. And yes, I forgot to add that I do not use return cheats, scripts, etc. I played fairly and properly. That did not happen even once, everything was just fine before this ban (
Today there was a very embarrassing incident with the game and get Battleye.Ya now gone to a server that would just check the night or day .. After about 2 hours because I wanted to go back to the server, and I wrote this post is here "You were kicked of game. (BattleEye: Global Ban #***).I do not know what to do, go to the Russian punched the message server gave out, punched the other wrote the download and nothing more. Please do not tell me the bow and what to do. And yes, I forgot to add that I do not use return cheats, scripts, etc. I played fairly and properly. That did not happen even once, everything was just fine before this ban (