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About Vultcha

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. mmmm... i imagine this being "feasible" if you do it with buses. mobile trading area. set up, then take down when done and hide. use the buses as cover, and a clear marker for the "trading area." pick the location wisely. probably in the woods AND on a coast. set up FAR away form Cherno/Electro, as fresh spawns risking nothing but an enfield will be attacking you frequently. the woods will give some protective cover for prospective arriving traders, and will give you a bit of cover from the inevitable snipers looking for luls 1km away. use the coast on your "back," so your people don't have to look in 360 degrees for hostiles. just focus on 180. can use the coast, and 2 buses to form a makeshift "triangle" of partial cover. trading area is inside the triangle?
  2. will be interested to hear more stories of this area going forward. kudos on the "experiment!" this is exactly the sort of thing that the community needs to be doing in alpha, so we can see what may work and what may not. i only give you a finger waggle for item duping, which i assume you are referring to... FOR SCIENCE!
  3. Vultcha

    Reduce Zombie Respawn Rate!

    much much slower respawn. increase the number of zombies during spawns by 10x. make respawn times much increased. mayb even an hour. ---- this should make it more realistic. fighting off a horde. you can actually clear towns out. your "cleared area" will be clear for quite a while allowing you to loot, and also alerting future players to the area that you were there.
  4. the npc's is an interesting idea, and fix to a problem of "bases." however, i feel that some other, better solution to "bases" should take place first, before we start to "fix" or build off of what we have currently. some completely new system of building/guarding or w/e needs to take place instead of "adding onto" what we currently do as players to work around the limitation (barbed wire/tents/bags/traps.)
  5. Vultcha

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    dogs to guard tents/vehicles would be neat. they would have to be pretty hearty to be viable. more hearty than a zed, or even a player possibly otherwise, would be too easy to just shoot the dog as it runs at you. --- incorporating the humanity/spotting/warning ideas would work better overall imo. to make dogs viable in combat in the arma world, they would have to be pretty unrealistically strong. they would just be immersion breaking-ly unrealistic. not to say they can't ahve combat capabilities. they could feasibly be used to attack someone close to you, stopping them from running, or breaking bones/bloodloss... but that's all stuff that bullets can do now and better. their primary use should be for spotting/humanity/warning.
  6. good idea. would need a pretty good range of effect, beyond direct chat's range.
  7. Vultcha

    disable the out side of the map

    a "cold" mechanic could work. rapid body heat loss outside the map occurs. whatever the case, "out of bounds" travel and item storage should be removed.
  8. idea: befriend a goat by feeding it cans, it will follow you around and will attack players on command. Mechanics: find goat in the field, feed it an empty tin can. goat will now follow you around and obey your attack commands. goats need to eat 1 tin can for every 1/2 hour of gameplay pet goats disapepar upon logging out. pet goats do "ramming" attacks on players, breaking their legs. can have unlimited goat followers. to get a goat to attack, mouse over a player, then scrollwheel to option to attack. target must be within 100 meters. goats move as fast as fast zeds when attacking. pet goats can be killed and eaten if they were normal goats. usage: you can attract as many goat followers as you want. you can send them to attack enemy players or groups of players to incapacitate them, where you can run away or finish them off. --- DISCLAIMER: not really a serious suggestion. just thought the idea of "goat lords" trolling cherno/electro was hilarious, and thought i would share.
  9. Vultcha

    Zone of death - off map

    there's a definitive boundary of the map if you go far out enough. the terrain has no grass, trees or rocks. the ground texture is also low-rez.
  10. Vultcha

    Zone of death - off map

    a good compromise would be to make "going out of bounds" penalties to characters steep. say it's "very cold" r something and they need to constantly apply heatpacks... something like that. right now it's just too easy to drive off the map with a fleet vehicles and never have them get chanced with being found by anything but a chopper...
  11. Vultcha

    Side chat enabling to be decided by server owners.

    there are some that do this. trying to get a thread going compiling the names of servers that do: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=20695
  12. Vultcha

    Zone of death - off map

    game needs this
  13. Vultcha

    Suggestion: DIG HOLES

    i was thinking about the "power" of the hole lastnight. the big problem seems to be in retention between deaths, as you could feasibly store anything with impunity, and pick it back up after respawning. i'd suggest that contents of holes "die" upon a player death. that way holes only get used to store food/ammo/beans/secondary guns, instead of stuff like maps/nvg's/matches/uberweapons.
  14. Vultcha

    List of vehicle fixes/suggestions:

    ya i haven't seen a heli yet myself. been playing for a month about.