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About MoonFragrance

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  1. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    I've only found them in the north barracks as well. Also found a stash in a bus one day, along with range finders and an AS50. Speaking of finding bombs... does anyone wanna donate some? Pretty sure I'm about to run out of them.
  2. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    People we have seen in his group so far are: deagle Schwarz Jesus Christ Alex Eric Spud As for my group... We change our names a lot cause they kick us. Thankfully they are too stupid to check GUIDs and it gives us time to blow more stuff up before being kicked again. You will know when we are on, server will be restarted every 5minutes.
  3. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    Good day fellow bandits. I am glad to say that US 816 came online last night for awhile and I was able to blow up a few more things. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3ynVdpfOjU&feature=plcp Last night I logged in with a buddy. The plan was to blow up what was at their base. After that I placed another bomb and waited for Deagle to show up before blowing that one up. Sadly Deagle never showed up. However we did end up being kicked about two dozen times, and I even had a chat with some of the members from the group in the lobby. We were called hackers, and were told that the Dev rules about kicking people don't matter etc etc. Seems like Deagle has the shitty admin attitude, he owns the server he can do what ever the fuck he wants. I tried playing dumb in hope of avoiding a ban which would put an end to blowing up the stuff they recover when they are online. I guess it worked since I didn't get banned. Video shows two explosions, second one is a good one for sure. Also shows about 8minutes of talking to these scumbags. These guys also shut the server down when they logged off. It appears that they will only turn it on while deagle and buttbuddies are around. Doesn't matter that they are doing this now I was able to save most of the burning vehicles long before they rebooted or shutdown the server.
  4. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    Just an update on their server. It appears that they have been offline for over two days now. I guess they shut down the server? Its that or they changed their IP but that would mean the Hive would report US 816 using a different IP and maybe black list them, unless they did they filled out the server host move ticket. Either way what a bunch of scumbags. I wanted to go there and steal or repair the chopper and shoot at them from the air :(
  5. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    US 816 now know as US over 9000 grid 091 002 Have fun.
  6. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    AND here it is. The Ural finally going boom. These two idiots run around at night time with 50 cals. Its the hardest hitting gun in the game so it must be the best gun to use all the time amirite? Final raid on 816 Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO2_SmW6jmY Sorry for my shitty shooting, I made the mistake of going full auto on the L85 and I didn't change my zeroing to target the second player properly. OH WELL.
  7. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    Final raid on 816 Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOWOUspq2WQ&feature=plcp This is the first video from the night I finally was able to take out the last of their camp without them restarting the server. Second video from that night coming in a few minutes.
  8. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

  9. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    It is hacked in as far as we know. We found about 20 clips for it and searched for the gun every time we were on that server. Really wanted to try it out on them :( We have found about three hacked items on that server including a Huey which we took for a joyride. We ended up killing one of the people from the camp down in Cherno while in the Huey. Seconds later our pilot's Arma2 went haywire and the server restarted. Three of us died, we had NVGs, ghillies, GPS, two MK 48s, M4 CCO SD and so on. Just checked the video from that Huey ride and the guys we were shooting at were part for deagle's group. Might have lost all our gear on their hacked Huey but damn it was fun.
  10. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    Two of them are. I've been playing DayZ for months and have only started finding bombs recently. Thankfully when ever the server restarts after you place bombs they go back into your bag otherwise we would have been totally out after the first restart. Also... I think it is really sad that GT shows that the server has been down since 11:30 last night. 12+ hours of down time...
  11. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    They are not listed in the wiki as far as I know but if you look around the forums you will see that many people have found them at the barracks and used them. I can point out a dozen posts about using them.
  12. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    Found some in a bus almost a week ago. Also found some in the barracks. The ones we found in the barracks were a legit spawn, ones in the bus I can't say since someone else had left them there. I've seen other people use them before, this was our first time finding them for ourselves.
  13. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    First video is being upload right now. Should be viewable in 10minutes or so. Second one will be uploaded and posted tonight as well. EDIT: Second video being uploaded. Third and fourth coming soon
  14. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    Currently editing the videos since I have several hours of recordings. Got the first night bombing ready to be uploaded, working on the second raid right now. To those wanting to join in the fun, I will speak to my group about bringing more people. On a side note, notice how they changed the server name to be "US Over 9000". Guess that was their attempt to hide from us. Too bad we use the IP address.
  15. MoonFragrance

    Dear deagle of US 816

    Dear deagle of US 816, We have been raiding your car park that is surrounded by dozens of sandbags and barbwire fences. In it we have found many interesting things, ghillie suits and NVGs out the ass, as well as about twenty MK 17 SD ammo, no gun sadly. We even found a useable chopper on your server and had a hell of a time cruising around until you restarted the server. Ever since then we have been poking around your camp. One day after snooping around for an hour we blew up the camp. That night we also took one of your many cars and went for a joy ride where we happened to run into you in the Ural. Everyone was killed but still your camp was blown to bits, even after your attempt to reset the server. Just a the other day we raided your camp again and blew up what was remaining when one of you showed up. He was killed but shortly after you reset the server yet again. We did yet a third strike that same day, killing two people in your camp. As we were getting ready to blow up the vehicles again, you reset the server, for a fourth time. Yesterday two of the people in my group decided to pay you a visit with out me. They ended up killing you while you were in a truck, 15seconds later they were laughing their asses off because you shut down the server AGAIN. The server remained off until just a few hours ago. I went in solo today, sometime after 10:30pm (-7GMT), to scope out the camp. When I felt it was safe I went and blew up your camp. I was out of bombs but I knew there was at least one left in a tent near where your camp is on a different server. After grabbing it I logged back into your server, I instantly noticed the Ural parked there and knew you were in your camp. As I waited in the bushes for several minutes I watched as you and your buddy "Alex" run around your camp. At one point Alex started coming towards me, most likely because he saw the old bike I took for a spin in the trees next to me. I ended up killing him and then turning to you, (quick question, why the hell do you two carry 50 cals at night?). Pretty sure I shot you (I failed at aiming) before you logged out like a pussy, FYI your server says NO COMBAT DODGING. FINALLY I had the chance to take out that Ural. I sprinted to the Ural, placed a bomb, ran 75meters and blew it. Some how it disappeared from the map and I was not able to save it in a burning state like we did to your buses, I guess the bomb really messed it up. I moved to the south tree line to setup overwatch on the camp waiting for you to log back in so I could finish you. No server restart this time... I was impressed. Until I got the "You have been kicked." message, twice. For those wondering about the number of bombs used, every time you place them and the server restarts or you log off the bombs go back into your bag, don't know if it is a bug or intended. List of people we have killed so far in your camp: deagle Schwarz Jesus Christ Alex Eric https://www.gametrac...244.83.74:2332/ Link to the game tracker page for deagle's server. Check the historical data for the last 7days. Noticed the MASSIVE dead zones? That is the server being turned off minutes after our raids. ALSO just as I was writing this (12:00am -7GMT) I refreshed the GT page and the server is offline. AGAIN. Seriously. With our mission to destroy your base and vehicles complete we move to a new mission, hunt you and your group. I will abandon the camps on my servers and run around with 4+ man kill squads on yours. I am sure that we now have far greater fire power than your group and we may even outnumber you at this point. We will stalk your group members waiting for the perfect time to strike from all directions, which is actually hard on your server since you have name tags on which can give away our position. (Very annoying to have name tags) I will be posting several videos of our encounters soon so that everyone can see how you operate with your server restarts. Yes, I recorded almost every encounter we have had with you and your group :). First night: http://youtu.be/SkmwaQCacds Audio is choppy towards the end due to not setting up the recording properly. Ambush from the hills: http://youtu.be/ItwmT8ocQn0 Spent about 15minutes planning this ambush, could have done it with just two snipers but four people just makes it more fun. Apparently I can't put more videos in this post. Videos can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/user/MoonFragranceLoL/videos