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About Logic-101

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    On the Coast
  1. Logic-101

    CZ550 vs. DMR vs. M24 vs. M107

    I found an SVD Camo one time, but I never killed someone with it, I don'T really like to kill people btw. Well, I returned in cherno, and because I don't like people and because I had and m4a1 scoped SD, I just threw it on the ground on a restaurant, with 3 mags. Whoever find it, you're so damn lucky ^^'
  2. Logic-101

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    @ Dr.Mewz About you Dr. , you actually saved my life, so, I needed to go post this in there haha lol That's a great service btw.
  3. Logic-101

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I had a broken leg in berezino ( Or something like that ) and I didn't had anything. I was with my buddy who had a broken leg too, I think if he's going to see this he'll lol about that. Btw, Crawling on the road, heading for the hospital, I needed to disconnect, and my buddy kept going to the hospital, always by crawling. Then, I really don't know how he actually knew that my buddy and I were in trouble, but, when I reconnected, I just needed to wait a few minutes and he got me an epipen ( Everytime I reconnected, I was falling inconscious ), morphine and blood bag. I wish I could play with you and having you as a partner Dr.Mewz, thank you so much! Seriously, if you see this, I'll be there in one week!
  4. Logic-101

    Your first unprovoked murder?

    I can tell you the baddest unprovoked death you'll maybe never get. I respawned near Cherno, without any guns or supplies, except bandage, painkiller and my coyote back pack. I went into a restaurant, when I heard footsteps close to me. I realise that, the guy was on the 2nd floor. I typed in direct chat: '' Hey dude upstairs, I don't want any fuck, I got no guns, nothing except a bandage and a painkiller '' - Nothing ... The guy maybe disconnected, and why the hell should I care, I said I had no weapon and nothing, nobody is going to shoot an unarmed man... I went upstairs, to the right, and found a Czech Backpack. I went to the left corridor, at this moment, I heard a shot, it was for me. He missed me. I sprinted downstairs and I used the ''White flag'' button ( You gun disappear and you put your hands on the back of your head ). I wrote on the direct chat: '' Hey dude upstairs * At this moment I heard him, he was going downstairs *, I have nothing, I can give you my backpack and my starting supplies, but just let me go '' David, that was his name, said: '' ok '' '' Ok, go downstairs, I'm facing at the wall, with my hand on my head, don't shoot, i'll put everything on the ground '' '' ok '' I gived him everything, and when I was going to put my backpack on the ground, he shot me with his Double barrel Shotgun, and killed me in two shots... That was free, and so stupid... Unnarmed, no supplies, not dangerous and, he shot me in the back, after giving him all my stuff. If you read this David, I wish you're already dead, you don't play ths game for the right reasons. I played the '' Bandits '' gameplay sometimes, but I never shot someone without anything on him.
  5. Logic-101


    Well, the direct chat works for me... but you need to be close to the toher one, or in the same building, and you can talk in it too.
  6. Logic-101

    DayZ Stories

    Guys, there's my Day Z story. *--* Remember that, all the Very rare stuff I found, it was the first time for me, and I'm still a sort of new player, I don't really know well the world and the North part of the map, and I'm really bad at shooting games... I'm also in the mode of Hiding and Huting close to a water source with the less gear I can have ( In a forest, close to a water source, with animals, woods, as far as I can of any road, buildings or highest spots of mountains).*--* Well, after a long long time of surviving with my great gear for the type of gameplay I'm playing, I decided to head to the North with my character. I ran, ran, ran. For a long time... But, with the gear I had, it was not a problem : GPS, Compass, Hatchet, Hunting knife, Box of matches, Tool box ( if I was finding any vehicles or bycicle ) and others. I had 3 morphine, 3 painkillers, an M4a1 scoped ( found on a dead body in the airfield, the south one ) with 6 mags for it. I went in the NW Airfield, and found in the south barrack and found an G17 and 4 mags for it, more mags for my M4a1 ( but I didn't took them, I'm a hunter, I'm not a Military bandit who wants to kill everyone). THEN, I found a body, with a Coyote backpack ( I love it :) ) , a Bizon SD with 5 mags, and some usefull stuff ( cooked meat M9 SD, Enhencing Tools, etc.) Well, I found an adevenced dead survivor. I went to the other barrack, more to the North of the airfield. I was looting, and found no good stuff, all I wanted was a Guillie Sout and NVG ahah... Then, I heard footsteps. The time was in slowmotion, my hand was shaking, I was blocked in this little barrack, with like 12 windows, I was in a bad situation. I didn't know if he heard/saw me or if he had a friend or had a group with him. I decided to go in the bathroom, just at the moment I turn myself to the door, I see 2 guys running inside, they didn't noticed me, but they had like 20 zombies on them. The time stopped. I got a brillient idea, when they all killed the zombies, I decided to shoot the mirror, hoping it's going to make the same noise as the window, and with a silencer, they'll not know where I'm. I just wanted them to leave this building. So I shot, and it worked, the sound was the windows breaking sound! At this moment, they went inside a room. I shoted maybe 25 rounds on the mirror at all, and each time I was shooting ( 5-10 Rds ), they were moving to another room. The moment I saw them they weren't looking at me, but at the doors and the windows in the corridor, they came, 1 per 1, in the same piece as me, without noticing i'm there.I saw that their nametag was orange ( Bandits ) and started to shoot at them like a retard. I killed 1 guy, the other went inconscious, I was thinking about if i'm tring to heal him or not, but I finished him. I got NVGs and an FN FAL with 12 mags, so I decided to leave the Bizon leave this area as fast as possible. I was shaking at hell, it took me more than 20 mins to stop. So with 240 Fn FL rounds and all my gear, I knew that I was able to survive for a long long time. But... I went to the Devil's castle, were, I started to shake again, because I know, sometimes, there's bandits camping in there, but for no reasons. I did every lootable place, except the big tower. I found a tent, at this point, I was able to survive for all my life, anytime, anywhere in the forest. The only thing I needed to find, is a great spot with a water source, animals and a place to hide my tent as close as possible of my camp. But, I couldn't leave this great lootable building without going inside. Best and worst Idea EVER... I found my Guillie sout at the top. It was the best Day z moment EVER for me. Just need to find a Spot in the north, in the middle of nowhere and it was like the '' winning of Day Z ''. I was so excited! I started to go down the turning stairs, then, my Left arrow get stuck, and I felt for like 4-7 meters, and Died.... the first reaction was: NOOOOO The second one was : Oh well, I got morphine, 12k Blood, bandages and lots of cooked meats The third was: *You're DEAD* Whut the F*****ck, damn it, I can't f*ck*ng believe that. Well, I can't believe that either right now, 1 day after. All this work, luck, strategy, luck, to fall off a stair of like 5 meters... But, I'm not someone who rage a lot, I took the death, even if it's hard to admit it, and this is exactly why I like Day Z, all the stress, fun, fear that it procures to me is just wonderful! Even the deception and the bad moments are great, maybe 1 or 2 days after, but they are still great! So, Rocket and all the people who makes Dayz works and playable, Thanks a lot, I love this game, continue like this, for me, this is perfect, even with the small bugs sometimes. * I already posted this on another topic, but it was for a certain reason*
  7. Logic-101

    Surviving alone-Tips and Tricks

    Guys, there's my Day Z story. *--* Remember that, all the Very rare stuff I found, it was the first time for me, and I'm still a sort of new player, I don't really know well the world and the North part of the map, and I'm really bad at shooting games..*--* Well, after a long long time, I decided to head to the North with my character. I ran, ran, ran. For a long time... But, with the gear I had, it was not a problem : GPS, Compass, Hatchet, Hunting knife, Box of matches, Tool box ( if I was finding any vehicles or bycicle ) and others. I had 3 morphine, 3 painkillers, an M4a1 scoped ( found on a dead body in the airfield, the south one ) with 6 mags for it. I went in the NW Airfield, and found in the south barrack and found an G17 and 4 mags for it, more mags for my M4a1 ( but I didn't took them, I'm a hunter, I'm not a Military bandit who wants to kill everyone). THEN, I found a body, with a Coyote backpack ( I love it :) ) , a Bizon SD with 5 mags, and some usefull stuff ( cooked meat M9 SD, Enhencing Tools, etc.) Well, I found an adevenced dead survivor. I went to the other barrack, more to the North of the airfield. I was looting, and found no good stuff, all I wanted was a Guillie Sout and NVG ahah... Then, I heard footsteps. The time was in slowmotion, my hand was shaking, I was blocked in this little barrack, with like 12 windows, I was in a bad situation. I didn't know if he heard/saw me or if he had a friend or had a group with him. I decided to go in the bathroom, just at the moment I turn myself to the door, I see 2 guys running inside, they didn't noticed me, but they had like 20 zombies on them. The time stopped. I got a brillient idea, when they all killed the zombies, I decided to shoot the mirror, hoping it's going to make the same noise as the window, and with a silencer, they'll not know where I'm. I just wanted them to leave this building. So I shot, and it worked, the sound was the windows breaking sound! At this moment, they went inside a room. I shoted maybe 25 rounds on the mirror at all, and each time I was shooting ( 5-10 Rds ), they were moving to another room. The moment I saw them they weren't looking at me, but at the doors and the windows in the corridor, they came, 1 per 1, in the same piece as me, without noticing i'm there.I saw that their nametag was orange ( Bandits ) and started to shoot at them like a retard. I killed 1 guy, the other went inconscious, I was thinking about if i'm tring to heal him or not, but I finished him. I got NVGs and an FN FAL with 12 mags, so I decided to leave the Bizon leave this area as fast as possible. I was shaking at hell, it took me more than 20 mins to stop. So with 240 Fn FL rounds and all my gear, I knew that I was able to survive for a long long time. But... I went to the Devil's castle, were, I started to shake again, because I know, sometimes, there's bandits camping in there, but for no reasons. I did every lootable place, except the big tower. I found a tent, at this point, I was able to survive for all my life, anytime, anywhere in the forest. The only thing I needed to find, is a great spot with a water source, animals and a place to hide my tent as close as possible of my camp. But, I couldn't leave this great lootable building without going inside. Best and worst Idea EVER... I found my Guillie sout at the top. It was the best Day z moment EVER for me. Just need to find a Spot in the north, in the middle of nowhere and it was like the '' winning of Day Z ''. I was so excited! I started to go down the turning stairs, then, my Left arrow get stuck, and I felt for like 4-7 meters, and Died.... the first reaction was: NOOOOO The second one was : Oh well, I got morphine, 12k Blood, bandages and lots of cooked meats The third was: *You're DEAD* Whut the F*****ck, damn it, I can't f*ck*ng believe that. Well, I can't believe that either right now, 1 day after. All this work, luck, strategy, luck, to fall off a stair of like 5 meters... But, I'm not someone who rage a lot, I took the death, even if it's hard to admit it, and this is exactly why I like Day Z, all the stress, fun, fear that it procures to me is just wonderful! Even the deception and the bad moments are great, maybe 1 or 2 days after, but they are still great! That's a sort of proof that, my tactics of hunting and leaving in the woods is pretty much one of the best and the less dangerous. So, Rocket and all the people who makes Dayz works and playable, Thanks a lot, I love this game, continue like this, for me, this is perfect, even with the small bugs sometimes.
  8. Okay, as the title say it, there's a few tips for the Lone Wolf like me, and the new players. -First you want some usefull stuff ( Hatchet, Hunting Knife, Box of matches, a gun like the Winchester or the Enfield, and a bigger backpack). So, when you start, you need to go in a city, Electro or Cherno, on the coast. Go to all the buildings you can enter ( Church, barracks *?, Restaurent, Markets, etc..) -You should find everything you need in there, and sometimes you'll get a map, a compass and all this. -Now that you have everything you could want, LEAVE THE CITY - Then, you want to go to the closest castle of your city ( I prefer the one to the N-E-N of Elecktro). There some good stuff you can find, and everytime I go there I find a Tent, and this is the perfect Object you'll need. Now, Your looting is now finish, you have a great compilation of tools and you just need to find a place where you can put your tent in the forest ( So Damn HARD..... ). You don't want your camp too close of anyplace where someone could choose to follow or travel to. Personnaly, I never choose something close to a road, or any type of road, a city/town, mountains or plains. Then, make sure you have a lake close to your position, animals you can shoot, and you'll survive for ever! When you think you're ready for some actions and stuff, head for the Devil's Castle far away to the north, to the N-E of the N-W Airfield ( Don't go there, you'll get sniped ). I found the best stuff in this castle ( guns, skins, tools, etc. ), It's even a good place where you can go and defend, but I prefer to continue to the north after my loot and find another great spots where I can camp ( Lake, animals, no city/town, no roads ... ). If you need something, you can go back to the castle, but you should be good. You actually can find a great spots and watch the entrance of the castle and shoot any survivor that want to go inside, and take the good stuff. At the end, if you want to take risks but have a great gear, go to the N-W Airfield and loot everything you can and as fast as you can, don't loose anytime. Well, this is my sort of guide, i'm testing it for about 1 week with my character and it's fun, so there's '' my '' Gameplay. Hope it helps you and every comment or other tips are welcome :)