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About Dogar

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  1. no fix needed' date=' its actually working fine on servers i play on. i suggest you look at your end/hoster of the server you play on looks at his end first? no idea where to start looking though. edit: and i have the steam version, arma II + arma II OA + arma II BAF [/quote'] My Beta patch is up to date, my DayZ files are up to date, and every server I've joined has been running the most recent beta patch as indicated on the Arma2 site. I've installed everything 3 times over according to the install guides on this site. I really don't see what could be wrong on my end.
  2. To the people who have this problem: How about we keep this thread afloat until we get a fix for this %@ing thing.
  3. Alright, I've checked and confirmed that all the servers I've joined are beta, and that my beta is installed and running, so that can't be the problem.
  4. Dogar

    Cant see direct communication chat

    I'm having the same problem, and yes, all the servers I've joined were beta.
  5. Okay, so nobody has any answers it seems. Could anyone narrow the problem down a little at least? I'm assuming it might be a problem with the beta patch, since I know that previous versions of Arma2 didn't have a working direct communication. The version number at the bottom right of the main menu matches the beta patch that I downloaded, but I noticed that the "server version" number on the multiplayer menu says that I still just have 1.60 installed. Could this mean anything, or does it say 1.60 for everyone, despite having the beta patch?
  6. Dogar

    Cant see direct communication chat

    Yeah, I have the same problem, and I've seen other people mention it too, but it doesn't seem anyone knows how to fix it (yet)
  7. Alright, I reinstalled Arama2, Day Z, and the beta patch in the EXACT way it says to on the stickied guide threads, and I STILL can't see direct chat!!! I've searched through the troubleshooting FAQ's and all the rest of it, so it seems I have no other choice but to beg you guys yet again for help. This is really ruining the Day Z experience for me. :(
  8. Like the title says. Other people can see what I type, but I can't see what they type. I've got installed and the latest (93965) Arma 2 beta patch installed. Anyone know what the problem could be?