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Everything posted by Re3st1mat3d

  1. Re3st1mat3d

    SSD, DayZ and You...

    I make videos, so I really need to get myself a SSD. Congrats on the upgrade by the way, sounds awesome.
  2. Re3st1mat3d

    What does Mountain Dew do?

    I once had a Mountain Dew. A few minutes later the server I was on had hackers crashing A-10s into the building I was in. Then we got Thunder Dome'd. Then Nuked. Then Nuked again. The the server crashed. I logged back in on a different server and was met with someone killing me in the debug forest while my character was still spawning. tl;dr Don't have a Mountain Dew... EVER!
  3. Time: Monday, August 06 1:00 AM EST Server: US 1257 What happened: My friends and I were in Elektro getting food and such. We hear sniper shots coming from the hill to the North. Two of my friends run to try and kill the guy sniping at us. They successfully take him out and loot his corpse. Upon running back down the hill They both get sniped in quick succession. I then take it among myself to save the day and kill him. I go around the hill up behind him to try and take him down. After getting half way up the hill I spot him looking right at me and duck behind a tree. I poke my mk 48 around and go fully automatic empty out my 100 round clip and watch the blood fly out of his chest. I reload and was shocked at what I saw. He was still standing and shooting at me. I go unconscious and he walks over to me and says. "This is for shooting at me". He pulls the trigger on his pistol and it shoots fully automatic at least 30 shots into my unconscious body rendering me lifeless and having -60k blood. About a minute after this my friend (Who is on top of the school building) starts getting shot at from the hill by a fully automatic weapon and says he sees tracers flying over his head.
  4. I always seem to forget to start videoing when I Leroy Jenkins.
  5. Re3st1mat3d

    US 1038 TX

    I actually take this as the same thing as shutting down the server to stop people from doing things the admins may not like. Ex. Hacking, raiding camps, stealing vehicles, camping major towns/good old fashioned banditry.
  6. Re3st1mat3d

    [Suggestion] Non-lethal weapons

    You could always use the cans/bottles in the game to use as nonlethal alternatives for knocking players unconscious. I've been wishing this for a while because when I can't find a gun and I'm in the middle of a town looking for supplies and a player is trying to kill me I could at least defend myself by knocking them out.
  7. Re3st1mat3d

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    I'd actually be all for this idea. It'd make those of us who play with the music off have something that makes the game more interesting while listening for footsteps. Also, make the voices/gunshot sounds sync with the sound effects over the other sound options. PS. I play with music off because in real life you don't have an orchestra following every move you make.
  8. This is one of the few servers that my friends and I can connect to as we are all around the world (US, Canada, UK, Norway, and Australia) and we just want to know if they changed the name, or if we need to find a new server to play on istead of waiting until it comes back up. Thanks in advance for any help. ;)
  9. Thanks for the update. Sad to have lost our camp though. It just vanished after 1.7.2 update.
  10. Re3st1mat3d

    US 30 Colorado 1 Mass Death Hacker

    I rather enjoy the Colorado servers (Mostly on 2 though), although I try to stay away from Colorado 1 when there are a lot of people on it. Also, I'd like the thank Dizzy for keeping it up (and restarted regularly) and making it a fun place to game for my friends and I. :D
  11. Re3st1mat3d

    How well geared are you?

    I died earlier today, but I had the supplies as follows: M4A3 CCO M107 12 Stan Mags 2 M107 clips 5 Steaks 3 Empty water bottles All the tools besides a GPS and no NVGs Sucks because it was a 17 day old character, lots of fun was had. Then I got shot by some Russian guy on Colorado 2 at NWAF while trying to find some AK mags for a friend.