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About shemashko

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. shemashko

    Should the Mod be abandoned

    To me, the DayZmod should be some sort of trial for the standalone. Make it so that people are able to have a sort of glimpse of the game. And if they like it maybe buy the standalone.
  2. I feel for you man. And that is why I've stopped playing. Yes, I've killed many people myself and shot first because, unfortunately this is the only way to have fun through DayZ. Trying to talk to a stranger now is just going to equal death. I remember too when random survivors cooperated. I fear XXI that the community has gone to shit.....for now. "Trying to be friendly in Chernarus, is like going to chatroulette and expecting a hot girl, only to see a penis being stroked" -Shemashko
  3. What other map would you want it to be? Fallujah? or hilly takistan for that barren feel? OR maybe a map from your own perverted imagination! Spit our your ideas to your hearts content!
  4. WRONG. You need friends to play with you to provide you 360 vision! So it is possible to look in all directions with a little help from your friends....if you have any, which I doubt after reading your posts in this thread.
  5. shemashko

    Military weapons are useless

    Dude. Chill out. Your killing the mood man.
  6. shemashko

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I really enjoy the fact that this happens on friday saturdays, really fits in my schedule! You guys are very organized! Definitely joining! I pmed you Publik! Excited to help out!
  7. shemashko

    Frustrated of DayZ? Play ArmA 2!

    I love watching Shacktac videos! They're astounding and filled with awesome in every single video!
  8. shemashko

    Frustrated of DayZ? Play ArmA 2!

    How old are you? You paid $30 for ArmA 2. DayZ Is not a game. Think he was just being sarcastic there haha! I've managed to get a whole lot of my buddies into some awesome I44 and got them a little into realism (almost there to fully converting them).
  9. Sometimes people get too angry playing this game. So why not take a little coffee break and play what ArmA 2 has to offer other than DayZ! It's a great time to do so with the patches having a few little problems that tend to twitch our nerves! Take a good look at Project Reality for ArmA 2, where people can get a little nice glimpse of team co-ordinated battles in public servers. Invasion 1944, a WW2 mod for those enthusiasts(and I know many of you are!) to try out bundles of weapons, cars, tanks, and airplanes! World War 2 not your type? Prefer other stuff? Well complain no more Armaholic has everything you want in ArmA! Just bringing a little joy in the forums since everyone has been pretty douchey lately due to all the problems with the patches recently. As rocket does his best to solve many of these issues please consider my alternatives! DayZ is great and ArmA 2 outside of DayZ is great also!
  10. shemashko

    Semi Perma Death.

  11. shemashko

    Bring Back Starter Weapon Petition

    No starting weapon equals more deaths, YES. Once you get used to sneaking around zombies and find a weapon, value of your life AMAZINGLY INCREASED. I find that people will be more less gung-ho with no starter weapon. Yes, it will be a bitch from the get-go, but hey! Now atleast you'll know that the survivor that just spawned won't be shooting at you and bandits(hopefully) won't be shooting at you! Another point with the no starter weapon is to get you more attuned with how the zeds work in the new update, once you know how to get around them you'll be more prepared to survive! I really think Rocket is trying to get more people to value their life more in DayZ. And gotta tell you Rocket, it is working.
  12. I believe in bug fixing thats for sure! But balancing....what sorts of balancing does he mean?