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Everything posted by mchr88

  1. mchr88

    The First Steps to surviving in 1.7

    Im pretty new to DayZ so i dont know if im even good enough to give tips ^^ but the first thing i do is find some water / Soda and a can of Food and then i head further into the map and look for a weapon and other gear there :) and ofcourse take it slow have patience and be VERY caution of other players as most tend to shoot on sight
  2. So where should i start i got DayZ here 2 days ago now and have played it quite a bit and here is what happened in my 10th experience and so far the best one (i just got killed by a bad person) SHAME ON YOU!!! :@ sorry if its a long/boring read but i hope some other new player will read it and dont give up :) anyway i started off near one of the cities. a dead player was nearby so i took his painkiller and bandage i sneaked around trying to get some water / food shortly after i found a building with 1 soda and 1 can of food. so i headed for the woods.. after properly 1 hour of running/walking around still no sight of a living player. i happened to stumble upon a barn with a winchester and 2 boxes of pelets.. nice i thought finally i could defend myself incase i got a zombie on my tail.. the winchester got in use short after when a zombie spottet me and i ran for it. i ran for a while and still only one after me so i turned around and shot him.. DAMN i missed shot him again but not after he had hit me and ofcourse i started to bleed.. so i bandaged up while running with the zombie i had neared myself a farm area. with a HUGE barn (used for caddle ones) omsode was a player laying on the floor dead.. my heart stopped wondering if the killer was nearby.. but i went to the dead guy and this is what i got from him Watch - Hunting knife - Map - 2 Morphine - G17 with 3 full mags - food/drink and a M1014 with some rounds for it so i ditched my Winchester and looked around in the nearby buildings and found a toolbox. i thought awesome im ready to go into the wood and try and handle it out there alone. i found out on the map after reading the city sign that i was pretty close to the air field and thought i would take the chance trying to find a Gillie suit (i did not) but sneaking around in there i visited one of the 2 Barracks there and i first found a AK47 awesome! i ditched my shotgun right away. i went into the big hangars and got some more G17 mags and was now full on mags for my pistol. i went to the other barrack after sneaking around quite a bit (still no sight of a single player) in the other barracks i found the dream weapon (other than a sniper ofcourse) the awesome M4A3 CCO with 2 mags. and on my own jurnies i had found two other so i was pretty well equipped i would say. so i was heading out of the compound and allmost out i spotted another guy in the comn. tower. dropped flat and asked in voice hello? he did not answer, so i stayed there for 5 minutes scouting with my Binocs i found earlier he was gone. so i stood up crouching . and made my way thru to the other side and out goind pretty close to the wall.. when i was allmost out i got shot once so i ran around the corner. and a single zombie came i shot it.. and used one of my bandages and painkiller to stop the bleeding and shaking once again.. i waited and heard another shot.. and thought ohh shit and started to run not caring about anything at all (it might have been the wrong choice) and i got shot at again and i was hit. and got the Hour glass on my screen slowly ticking down and i saw my killer for the first time.. a female character(my first thought was prolly a young kind who thought this was counterstrike or CoD or what ever) the person stood there taking non of my weapons (he had some sort of rifle.. when the hour glass ran out and i was just under 4k blood i said in voice "dont shoot dont shoot" but she shot me anyway... 8 hours spent on the character roughly, im aware its not much compared to alot but for me it was quite an achievement:blush: for me it was one amazing run with few players seen.. so i got to the conclusion if i can do this within 2 days then other new players can aswell.. just read up on some site's read a bit here on the forum and your good.. .. you really got all the way down here? now did you read it all.. then grats to you ^^ would be quite the achievement and i hand you this can of Frank & Beans(did not have a cookie) i hope this will give some other new players some hope that it is possible to survive more than 1 or two hours.. and i guess the most important thing is.. Patience and perseverance and you will get there
  3. mchr88

    Everyone please get a mic!

    i just started here a few days ago and i do have a mix and would never be without it so far i found 2 people using it the rest that im trying to talk to end mainly in me beeing dead a few seconds / minutes later.. im friendly of nature and refuse to bandit but i feel most people just shoot before asking and hope they kill one.. i had an experience here today was shot at from close while i was beeing chased by a zombie while i just started bleeding. he shot zombie and i said thanks and asked if i could offer him some food or water for the troubble.. over the mic.. but no response.. while i was bandaging myself and taking my last painkiller to subdue the bleeding and shaking.. after doing so i ate some cooked meat that i had made earlier to get my blood up he just stood there i asked again friendly? no answer and 2 seconds later i was dead (hourglass thing) he got to me and just stood there when hourglass was run out my character got up and he shot me to die fully ... such a bummer