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Everything posted by rahb0sse@gmail.com

  1. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    Backpack swapping

    Open the backpack on the ground, transfer the stuff to it... then swap it... Remember this game is based on survival and realism, not L4D
  2. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    helicopter gas...

    I know this much, it's A LOT more than 30 jerry cans to fill one up now.
  3. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    helicopter gas...

    Thank you for this. We parked ours away and it was still leaking... all but two pieces of glass need to be repaired :(
  4. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Relaunch game, or follow the artifacts. It leads to barbed wire.
  5. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    read the patch notes about the debug plains man...
  6. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    Trading for Vehicle

    lmao, this is true... gd military offroad, we can't find it... but now we're getting chopper parts together :)
  7. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    Trading for Vehicle

    fail http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=UAZ http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Military_Offroad
  8. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    Another Alt-F4 story

    meh, you might have been shooting at a newb... in that case, you suck... I'd love to see your bandit:murder ratio
  9. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    * Updated to Tuesday 24 July 2012 (GMT) Is this really out? I haven't seen any servers running it... Unless he meant to say 'Tuesday 31 July 2012' ?
  10. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    Well, look at that... servers are fine and no one is complaining... betcha the people bitching haven't changed services yet :)
  11. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    Ryahn... please take the set up of US 725 into consideration... this server was having no issues with 40/40 and it's an HFB server. Mimic that and you're good to go.
  12. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    lol, just funny how you put that... that's what made me laugh :)
  13. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    Didn't even notice that... We'll make our move hopefully tonight.
  14. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    LOL, I didn't go as far as telling chisel he was demanding, I said he was whining like a typical American, but yeah LOL! Okay, you were seriously asking then you said if I were an admin, I'd know that... That sounds like an insult.. but anyway, no I'm not an admin but I'm in TS with the guy who is, talking about all the situations that we see and how a 75/75 server is having no issues yet HFB servers are (for the most part). Secondly, you just defended HFB against my claims... a bit ironic?
  15. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    I feel ya there man. I'm happy that they went as far as continuing to post on the forum. But I agree, it's obviously the @hive folder because when I see a server stable with 75/75 players, there's obviously an issue directly involved with HFB. They'll need to fix this tonight or we'll move on.
  16. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    Ahh you caught me, should have used until instead of since... thanks for that.
  17. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    I was just under the assumption that people are complaining about the hive and you stated there was an update that was applied. It's odd that some of your servers aren't having issues yet ours is....
  18. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    Nope, didn't say that... Re-read previous posts.
  19. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    How is the hive update going? US 560 still get whacked by the desync.
  20. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    You did, that they are possibly an EA sabotage, that I secretly work for them.... and I apparently collect royalty checks :) I got trolled hard. But I get royalty checks, and they get more money and you lose yours... it's a win win situation all around!
  21. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    When you hear that next helicopter... it may not be one, so be ready to jump into the next local bush or under the bed...
  22. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    1. this is true. 2. this is true. you win :)
  23. rahb0sse@gmail.com

    HFB Server Customers - Server Restarts

    When I see that posted, rather than "my hive is out of date" I will do so.