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About rokaraged

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  1. rokaraged

    Random fact thread.

    Only 55%? You sure? The other 44% are paranoid.
  2. Wish I could turn this into a poll. Personally I find my behavior jump erratically from 8 to 2 depending on how bored I am. 8. I actively seek other players to kill. I don't care for looting. The thrill of the hunt is worth it enough. 7. I actively seek other players to kill for the sake of their loot.I don't care if I need it or not. The more the better. 6. I do not actively hunt other players, but I will shoot to kill anyone unfortunate enough to encounter me regardless of their possessions. 5. I only attack other players when I need food, water, etc to survive. 4. I only shoot to kill when I feel the other player is a threat. If I encounter another player and he does not appear to be a threat, I will ignore him. 3. I only shoot to kill in self defense when I have been attacked first. If I encounter another player and he does not pose a threat, I will ignore him. 2. I only shoot to kill in self defense when I have been attacked first. When encountering a player, I will actively seek to communicate that I am "friendly" and willing to team up. 1. I am a strict pacifist. I will not let this apocalypse compromise my...*headshot*
  3. No, i'm not an active bandit and please read through all of this before having a knee jerk response. I generally prefer to team up with random people online around the coast, even if I'm fully geared and at high risk of being backstabbed or sniped. I find trying to make social connections with the high risk to be much more rewarding than just random senseless murder. I find going up to your potential murderer and trying to talk him down or even turning him into an ally is a lot more dynamic than any game element I've played ever. But I will shoot other players in self defense, or even sometimes just for the hell of it. Shooting to kill even without being provoked doesn't bother me. I feel more rewarded more than anything else by being able to gain substantial loot. Maybe I need his food because I haven't been so lucky hunting. Maybe I just wanted his shiny gun. However I don't really feel attached to my loot. I've lost countless hours of work to one lucky sniper bullet. But I never rage (too hard.) I just shrug it off and continue playing. I just don't really comprehend get why other people just feel so offended when their shot. I don't understand why others feel so guilty about gunning down another survivor. Yes you maybe taking away hours of progress, but its a game/simulator. These are virtual items. Everything you had can be regained. Edit: Keep this discussion civil everyone. I feel like I might be opening a huge can o worms.
  4. By showing this server on general forums, I feel like bandits are going to swarm it just to troll before getting banned.
  5. rokaraged

    Hopping Bandits WTF

    Guys....this kind of post has been all over the forums. 1. Rocket agrees that its a cheat 2. Hes working on a fix (allegedly) 3. its an alpha.
  6. rokaraged

    Do you ever feel guilty for shooting on site?

    First time I murdered someone I felt kinda awkward, but then I realized it was a video game. I would continue to commit 40 murders with that same character before I died. I generally don't shoot on sight anymore. I love the tension of approaching someone and trying to communicate. The social aspects of the game are hell of a lot more dynamic than the shooting. (and the shooting is pretty damn dynamic.)
  7. The only point I agree with you on this post is the emphasis on morphine. My experiences have been entirely different than yours. 1. Zombie aggro isn't really that hard. I don't know what you're doing when proning but I NEVER get caught by zombies when I'm prone unless i'm directly 2meters in front of them. 2. People are going to kill each other whether you spawn with a weapon or not. Giving someone a weapon on respawn isn't going to make anyone else play any nicer because that player now poses a real threat. If a person is out to kill, then they won't give a damn of what they have in their pack. Against any decent sniper in Cherno, a makarov isn't going to take you very far. 3. Side chat I can't really say yay or nay on. Just a matter of preference I guess. If they made direct communication a little better, there would probably be less clamoring for its return.
  8. rokaraged

    [Guide] Pro Tips for Starting Out

    Great guide. Just kinda disagree with your dependence on the crossbow. Yes it's silent, but the iron sights are awkward, ammo takes a lot of inventory slots, and bolt recollection is beyond buggy.
  9. rokaraged

    Fucking annoying.

    Indeed sucks, but its DayZ, and its hard to tell if a person has recently loaded in or not. Next time log out in a safe area.
  10. I've noticed that a strong majority of the posters on the forum generally run with friends or clanmates. My experience has been the opposite, generally lone wolfing, sometimes working with strangers, mostly shooting everyone I come across. Seeing the advantages of teamwork, (blood transfusions, vehicle building), I'm starting to think I might actually be playing this game in a wrong way. All of my real life buddies don't have computers that can run the arma 2 engine reliably, so I can't really get them into this game. My question to everyone is, Is this game MEANT to be played with friends? Common perception is, you cannot really trust anyone you meet in this game.
  11. rokaraged

    Is my game buggy or what is the problem?

    Consider turning up the gamma and brightness levels in your videoscreen
  12. rokaraged

    Everyone please get a mic!

    Direct chat works, just clumsily. No one can type and shoot/run from zombie simultaneously. One may take too long to type "friendly" before I blast them. Simple. Short time window I know, but its all it takes.
  13. Please.....PLEASE consider investing in a mic if you are interested in this game! 24 murders this past 2 days. A huge majority of them was simply because I could not trust the person on the opposite side of the barrel because they could not communicate. I don't like to bandit nor do a huge part of the community, but if you cannot communicate, even nice people will shoot you in the game because there's a huge veil of uncertainty. Not only would you be posing a huge risk to yourself by not using a mic, but you are missing out on a huge gameplay experience. A lot of the actual cinematic moments in this game involve Mic communication. Instead of getting shot at, You may find someone to work or trade with. Yes it is possible to communicate via typing, but its not exactly the most effcient form of conversation during fights or standoffs with other survivors.