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About Inzight

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    On the Coast
  1. i do use the logout "exploit" because zombies are retarded(super fast zig-zag running, moving through walls etc) i will stop exploiting the game when the zombies do
  2. the shoot on sight mentality seems so stupid to me, so untill now i have not tried to shoot people. the last 4 times i died was when i saw another player and asked if he was friendly instead of just shooting him, every single time i got shot instantly, i guess i was naive to think that anyone would see other players as team members and not just walking bags of loot its sad that i have to start shooting everyone i see cause its neither realistic nor fun to do so but im getting tired of dying every time i tell someone im friendly
  3. right now, i usually always DC and relog if i pull zombies, it should be fine to do so as long as the zombies are stupidly fast and walk through walls and floors
  4. now i think its great that you should feel in danger around zombies but i dont think its fun at all to have zombies sprint at you at 30 km/h, it looks extremely wrong to see zombies run like that and it basicly makes it impossible to survive if you agro a zombie without a weapon unless you use the logout glich the desync and weird AI of the zombies only makes it more stupid but i suppose that will be fixed. anyway, am i the only one who thinks that superfast zombies is silly?