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About texcat11

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. texcat11

    Die newbies?

    You have much to learn in the art of DayZ.
  2. texcat11

    Msg for noobs

    So no comments on the original post? Just talking about fonts and shit?
  3. texcat11

    So... are crossbow bolts not retrievable?

    You'll probably get your bolts back 80% of the time. That's 8/10.
  4. texcat11

    First impression: This sucks.

    Easy fix for blur, disable postprocess effects.
  5. Yeah not the best graphics card on that one either.
  6. texcat11

    How to not get your ass shot

    How not to get your ass shot. 1. Wear a bulletproof vest like a diaper.
  7. I know that feel bro. I felt the same way, but after a few days I was feeling better about it and finally I actually feel good about the game. I'm surprised that you haven't had server problems! I've been having them all day...
  8. texcat11

    In the beginning.

    Unless you have fists of steel or are super strong you aren't going to kill a zombie with your fists. When you beat the crap out of a person you usually cause them pain or damage organs or something, note zombies don't feel pain and don't have a use for their vital organs (other than the brain). Your odds are slim to none.
  9. texcat11

    Noob with question

    Buy arma II: combined operations. But if you are buying from steam wait till the 23rd because it might go on sale. The only NPC's are the zombies, bandits are people who kill other players. You need ARMA II and ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead (both come in the Combined Operations Pack).
  10. texcat11

    I heard that before, team work was possible

    Why do you have to skip a line every sentence?
  11. texcat11

    what is going on

    Some stupid ass thing with steam saying that arma II is currently unavailable. When I try to update battleye for it it does this.
  12. texcat11

    Kicked from every server I join.

    When I try to re-install battleye for arma II it says that steam cannot connect to it right now. So, it might be a problem with arma II?
  13. You disconnected right, but I think it's just a bug. It happened to me before. Nothing you can really do about it.
  14. texcat11

    Do crash sites spawn atm?

    I think they're still there, I saw one before the last update. I checked the changelogs, and nothing was said about the heli crash sites.