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Izreal Delain

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Posts posted by Izreal Delain

  1. GAH! I love them all, but I'm always partial to improvised weapons. Nothing quite like a pipe bomb mine, or a home made rifle. They should degrade quickly, but if you can some how increase skills or something similar, it should increase the life time of your crafted fire arms/melee weapons.

  2. For those who are unfamiliar with me, i tend to talk with a commentary in the VOIP chat in game as i play. Usually, this for some reason puts people at ease. Well, i was walking down the road (Quite literally) and suddenly came under fire. As per usual, i screamed and ducked behind a car as i chatted with myself about young punks these days. Suddenly, i hear another voice that stated he was sorry, and that he wasn't that young. Picking myself up, i started down the road to meet the chap who shot at me by the hospital.

    Quite frankly, i sometimes believe bad luck follows me around, because as i said hello to this young un, his head seemed to dissolve into a pool of blood and mush before exploding. Great, another ruffian. So once more, i flung myself to the ground screaming and rolled behind the wall.

    After several quiet moments, i heard the noise of someone breaking their leg. Peeking around the corner, i see my assailant unconscious and bleeding from a fall from the roof of the office building. Now i'm a nice, forgiving guy. SO, i dragged this idiot into the hospital, stopped the bleeding and did the regular medical stuff. When he awoke, he thanked me, and apologized. It was then that i buried my hatchet deep into this fellow's head. Because god damn it, he was stealing from me as i talked to him.

    Young un's these days, gotta be taught a lesson.

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  3. Alright, so i have on several occasions been hearing a zombie near by, so i camp inside and wait. I hear it get closer, and then i start taking damage, no zombie close to hitting me. I was not against a wall so that they couldn't hit me through it, and i moved around and that seemed to stop the damage for a couple seconds. I keep getting killed because of this, and when i had some rather good loot, you can see why i can get a little pissed at this.

  4. Alright, this has happened to many people, but i feel this deserves a slightly more straight forward thread.

    I logged off about a half hour ago to talk to someone, i was around zombies, but i did not have their attention. I was prone in a bush, hidden because this has happened before i figured if i logged in unconscious again, it's best to be out of sight.


    I had perfect health, hunger and thirst.

    Is this a deterrent for server hopping? Because i did not switch servers, i just logged in after a half hour.
