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About MediEval

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  1. MediEval

    banned from us 913

    Do you speak the way you type because my god you must have AMAZING lung capacity to be able to produce a paragraph of text like that with only one period waaaaay back at the beginning I mean wow it's really cool how people can do such things without pausing for breath is this something you do in real life or only when you type on the internets because really if you did this in real life then you must be able to set records for holding your breath for so so so so so so long without pausing to stop and start a new sentence because it really takes talent to do something like that I wish I could do cool things like that 'cause maybe then I would get mad props for being as cool as you are for doing what you do when you do how you do and I wish I could put words together the way you do say fuck this and fuck that and fuck your mother with a baseball bat and call people faggots like you do because man you just became my fucking idol holy fuck this is so fucking cool I now have a fucking idol so does that mean me and you are friends now??
  2. MediEval

    banned from us 913

    Wow, this has totally blown up into something I had not expected. First I want to say that BOTH parties are acting like whiny little bitches (I'll even throw myself in there as I have posted on this issue). From our perspective, we were unjustly banned. From Str8Dumpn's perspective, he thought he was protecting his server by removing us from it, and instead of BOTH parties going through proper channels to discuss, like adults, what happened, we BOTH reverted to a 2nd Grade schoolyard fight. To see everyone freak out and attack each other is quite sad (yes, again, I am guilty of it too). The incessant swearing and name calling just goes to show how childish some people can be. However, before we got banned, we were extremely excited as we had found a couple of camps of what we thought were going to turn in to some good firefights in the future, but as soon as we raided & blew them up, we were banned, which is why we came to the conclusion that we were kicked because the admin was butthurt (YES!!! I got to use it again). I also read something about people labeling the in-game maps...um, am I mistaken or isn't this a feature of the game?? I know we've had our camps marked numerous times on different servers by others that have found us (not to mention on 913 someone was kind enough to draw a penis on our camp...absolutely brilliant and not adolescent at all) and of course, anyone who has an in-game map can see what other's have marked, so I don't see how that proves M1lk was hacking. We had first asked for proof of us hacking because we knew we had done nothing wrong, and we wanted to be reinstated to the server because we enjoyed our time there. But now, all we want is for our names to be cleared, which, thanks to Str8 posting logs that have absolutely nothing to do with us, seems to have been done. Thanks for clearing us!!!!
  3. MediEval

    Pending Update: Build

    What about those that server hop to find a stable server, or those that try to find a day server? I myself have a lower end computer, and it lags quite a bit, especially if a server has been restarted in a long time.
  4. MediEval

    banned from us 913

    By all means Str8dumpn (nice name by the way, do you suffer from a stomach ailment and have constant diarrhea?) forward any information you wish. We'll have no problem playing on other servers because we have done nothing wrong. Yes, us blowing up what's his name's base may have been a bit childish, but it's part of the game. If it's something that we do to someone, then we totally expect it to be done to us at some point. However, what makes us different, is that when we have our own server, we won't whine, piss & moan about it, and/or ban those responsible. We will accept it as a challenge, rebuild, and hunt them down. I still would like to know what it is that you seem to think we have done to have you ban us from your server. However, seeing your answers thus far in this thread lead me to believe you're just butthurt (I FINALLY GOT TO USE THIS!!!) as you know as well as I, that no such evidence of wrongdoing on our part exists. If you had proof of any kind, you would think you'd come forward and show everyone, as your posts just continue to make you look like an ass. And your argument that you don't want to fish through the logs is just a contradiction to your later statement saying you're forwarding said logs to get us globally banned. Like I said, we'll have no problem moving on to a new server until we get ours up and running. I'm sure there are plenty of admins out there who enjoy the open PvP and the challenge of other groups raiding their camps. Oh, and Scuur...really dude? You killed three of us. Congratulations! You're the freakin' man! Just please do us all a favor and invest in Hooked on Phonics or at least try to stay awake in English class next year. Although I'm sure you'll be too busy being the big man on campus and hittin' on all the Freshman as you enter your 5th year of high school. Enjoy your soon to be empty server!
  5. MediEval

    banned from us 913

    Can I ask what evidence you have of my friends doing anything wrong? You may or may not believe me as I am a part of this group, but I know none of us use hacks, disconnect during a firefight or to better our position. Neither do we dupe items(although our tents keep duping with items in them, but I'm fairly certain this is a global issue). So again, I ask very politely, can you tell us what we have done wrong to get banned from your server?
  6. So it looks like me and my boys have been banned from US913 (hosted by Str8Dumpin) because we apparently happened upon his camp, raided it, and basically destroyed it (which of course is allowed by the game). Anyway, he didn't like it, and kicked us off his server. So, anybody out there looking for some good PvP action where they don't care if their shit gets raided from time to time??
  7. MediEval

    Big camp on 913

    So apparently a bunch of us have now been banned from this server. Kinda messed up that we get booted for raiding someone's camp. You do realize it's all part of the game right? Thanks a lot Str8Dumpin Oh well, plenty of servers out there.
  8. MediEval

    To the guy that

    No proof needed, this is awesome
  9. MediEval

    Big camp on 913

    I would be a part of that group. And this is what makes the game fun. Sorry, but crawling into town, avoiding zombies, is not all that fun. Running around the woods, hunting for camps, stealing shit, and blowing up the camp, is WAY more exciting :D We need more clan on clan action!
  10. MediEval

    Will never pick up a grenade again

    You don't use them because you throw like a girl :lol:
  11. MediEval

    Thanks for the Bizon

    I'm amazing
  12. MediEval


    I kinda like this idea. Having to find gun parts to have to put them together. Especially the higher tier guns. Would be cool to implement a gun cleaning kit as well. Having weapons degrade and have to clean them out every so often otherwise they could jam. I've always been a proponent of having the high tier weapons be much more rare. Having to find parts for them to assemble would help with this. I would also like to see that if you kill someone with one of these weapons, that it becomes broken, and needs to be fixed before you can use it.
  13. MediEval

    Consumable fluids etc

    +1 Great idea. As of right now, I don't travel with a water bottle. I travel with soda's. I like the idea of the water bottle having 3 uses, but in turn, they should be made quite rare
  14. MediEval

    Fail Bandits of the Week

    As someone who has been victimized by the elite snipers who like to camp themselves outside of Cherno & Elektro, I give you a well deserved BRAVO!!! I myself dabble in a little banditry, but have yet to degrade myself to the level of pickin' off n00bs with no way to defend themselves. It may be good for a giggle or two, but I'd much rather hunt the guys that are doin' the snipin'. The funny thing, is that they probably think they're the shit.
  15. DISCLAIMER: Long, but a very amusing story. ENJOY!!! So, tonite was quite comical for my group of friends (amateur bandits if you will) and I, so I thought I would share with everyone the tale of our adventure. It started with a run to the NE Airfield. We took one of our newer players there to run him through what we of course thought would be an easy loot grab for him to get his feet wet and get more acquainted on how to move about the world of DayZ. We had our two man squad on overwatch, and sent him in with one other guy to run through the airfield. As they got to the tower, there were three zed's up top, so they had no choice but to fire and draw aggro from about 5 others. They managed no problem to take them out, but after clearing the tower, the new guy went outside and managed to aggro a couple more. As he tried to run back into the tower, he somehow got stuck in the doorway, and was knocked out in one hit, breaking his legs in the process. We heard a single gunshot ring out, followed by a his death message. Over TS, we all start to ask what happened, him of course not knowing, saying he had over 11000 blood at the time of his death. As he was stuck in the doorway, we chalked it up to a glitch. We managed to grab his stuff (after another member of our group somehow got lost, even though he had spawned in less than a 100yds away from the airfield...derp), and headed back to camp to unload, and head down to pick up or guy who respawned. So after the airfield fail, and our friend getting lost (and our sniper letting his ADD get the best of him as after our friend died, as he decided he was going to leave his post and run down to the airfield to get the M4A1 CCO that was dropped), I had mentioned how we were the absolute most dysfunctional group of bandits in the world of DayZ. If only I had known how true that statement would become. So we headed back to our camp, and geared up to head out and pick up our friend down south. One of us hopped on a bike, and quickly ran over my personal tent, destroying my back-up shotgun, ammo & ALICE pack in the process. After getting another good laugh, we left camp, and headed south. As we came to the crest of a hill, we ran right up on another camp. Two ATV's, a motorcycle, and a few tents. We took up positions and checked the inventory. Nothing in the tents, but the ATV's & motorcycle were completely loaded up. One ATV needed it's engine fixed, so we grabbed the other ATV & motorcycle. As we peeled off out of their camp, we cackled with joy at our find...and promptly dove headfirst into the biggest fail of our evening. Not more than 25 yards away from their camp, the motorcycle clipped the back of my ATV (the driver of the motorcycle swears up and down he was ahead of me, and that I clipped him) and we both exploded into a ball of flame (let's just say this happened because of lag, and not bad driving :s ) 3 of us passed out, and one somehow was miraculously still standing. The other two were knocked out, but not too badly hurt. As for me, I had a broken bones, was out cold, and was bleeding profusely. Our friend who was still walking was bleeding, but thought of his friends first, and hit me with an epi-pen, and I was able to bandage myself with 900 health remaining. But alas, not more than 2 seconds after he saved me, he himself, fell over, dead from a loss of blood. The other two managed to survive, and the three of us healed up, hung our heads in shame, and trudged our way back to camp, laughing our asses off at the catastrophe we just walked away from. I truly hope whoever's camp we just tried to raid reads this. You probably got back to your camp and wondered why the smoking wreckage of your motorcycle and ATV was only 25 yards away. They sit there, because of this absolute epic heist fail!!!