I don't think anything should be nerfed, or spawn percentages changed. And as for the people who say 20m gunfights are intense? I had a group of three trying to get into stary during the day, we were crawling up the treeline next to the road and while I was looking around I saw bandits not 20 meters away but uphill at least 70-100 meters away. Gunfights at that range with a group is intense knowing that you don't have the uphill advantage and that they could flank you, attract zombies, and all that jazz. People shooting even at 500m with a CZ? Unless you haven't played Arma 2 for very long, even trying to compensate for bullet drop, the wind, time the bullet leaves the barrel to when it reaches its destination, and how time of day and position of the person can skew their vision of where you are. Your going to find snipers everywhere, you have to face it even if the spawns are lowered it doesn't mean some bandit who likes to camp the coast is going to curb his habit of doing so. It means you just have an extra half hour or so from a fresh server restart before he gets back into his little sniping spot. I've been shot plenty by snipers, and most of the time it's been on the coast or near towns/cities/airfields that are major highways for players. If you want to avoid snipers, skirt around towns/cities instead of following it from the road 50m in the treeline or so, because every other guy and gal out there is probably thinking of doing that too. And for the people who think such high tier weapons such as M16/M4s, AKs, and scoped rifles should be nerfed or done away with altogether. I hate to say it, but these are the reasons most people go up north aside from avoiding the bean wars on the coast, leave people with winchesters and pistols long enough I'm sure you'll start changing your tune or even say that winchesters are too deadly as well. GPS and NVGs.. I've been playing for a while now, and I can tell you as a matter of fact that these are RARE. Never have I come across players with them or seen them spawn the past several weeks, so if this doesn't support one of the earlier posts stating that the influx of NVGs and GPS were due to exploits then please consider it at least a suspect of how they became more common if only for a short while. This is only my opinion, and the mod we all love to play is still only in ALPHA after all. I respect everyone's opinions and suggestions for this mod, because without all the 'Whining' and 'Crying' some problems wouldn't be looked at. There is always room for improvement, and because it hasn't been fixed as fast as you want it to be it isn't the green light to start throwing assumptions at Rocket until their raining from the sky. If neither suggestion works, compromise.