Having played the OpFlash/Arma series before I thought I'd give this mod a go. Here's my take from a few days play. Firstly the map. Just give us all one. Since I can Alt-Tab out to look at an annotated map on this very site not giving every survivor one is an irritation, not a challenge to surviving. Starting weapons I can live without but the current build fails to make it an enjoyable experience for two reasons, both connected with zombie spawning. The first is the probability. Per the map I mentioned earlier it's suggested that for a shed with low yield loot there might be a 30-40% chance of 1-3 zombies spawning. Not in my experience, every location seems to spawn zombies every time. Even a no name house and shed by the road (with no loot per the map) spawned 6 zombies while I watched from the hillside. Two spawned inside the shed itself, thus depriving me of the chance of acquiring some empty cans. More discouraging is the positioning. The way it seems to work is that each logged on user effectively gets a virtual entourage of zombies as their new best friends. They stay discreetly out of sight while you wander the countryside but materialise whenever you approach anywhere of interest. What's missing at the moment is a 'Keep your distance' rule. My most successful looting occurred in Cherno (where I spawned). Sneaking around the city was implausibly easier than a single cowshed in the middle of nowhere - zombies obviously prefer the rural life - and I filled my boots with fizzy pop, sardines and bandages. I even bagged a crowbar. So I sneaked back to the shoreline and set off west to get away from the city. There was the odd zombie wandering the road 100m away so I stayed prone and wriggled along, checking the area every minute to make sure I was in the clear. All good for a few minutes until suddenly there was snarling right behind me. As I got up and legged it I was thinking I must have missed something but the next few seconds showed otherwise. Two zombies spawned right in front of me - I collided with one - and that's how I'd been discovered, a zombie must have spawned right behind me. Two further zombies materialised out of thin air, one of them close enough to get a hit in, and with a broken bone my running days were over. Well it's an alpha so I'm not going to whinge about the unfairness of it all but as a game it does seem to have painted itself into a corner for the moment. Here's hoping a build to fix some of this isn't far off.