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Everything posted by Hoshbin

  1. Hoshbin

    Do you leave map markers?

    cant like EVERYONE see markers on the map from anyone? so you doing that lets everyone in the game see that. i think. anyone got the confirm or im wrong response on that?
  2. i LOVE the idea of this group and would love to join. steam name leedaman816, Lee is my Arma name, which i usually use Hoshbin but eh. be 26 in september, in the military fixin an flyin around in helicopters. i have died a bunch o times in Dayz, infact my game crashed with me prone in a residential area, no guns so prolly gonna spawn in dead. Im a funny guy, everyone keeps saying i remind them of Jonah Hill, the fat guy in Superbad. So im good for entertainments. and i have a mic yes
  3. Hoshbin

    Looking for Steam Dayz Users!

    i sent ya an invite, Hoshbin be the name. the lonelyness is gettin kinda lonely