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About GretSeat

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  1. GretSeat

    I dislike the spawn system.

    Why in the world is everyone bashing this guy? Seriously. The spawn system is a little off, can't we all admit that? There have been times when I have logged out of a game to eat dinner, and come back an hour later, only to spawn into a barn, and see guys there, of course I killed them considering they had weapons and I didn't want to risk it (considering we were WAY up North) but I felt horrible afterwards considering that guy was probably just passing through and I ruined his day. Have you guys no thoughtful bones in your bodies? A guy who is at the top of the clock tower sniping people shouldn't be taken down by a guy SPAWNING IN, he should either be counter sniped or someone WORK for the kill. Not get lucky with their spawn placement...
  2. GretSeat

    FEEDBACK: Humanity - heartbeart.

    I only hear the heartbeat when I scroll over the players... I had 6 kills on me and didn't hear anything at all ever.
  3. GretSeat

    Player Journal

    This would be amazing to have. I like both ideas the journal and TownFunk's idea. Have it AUTO SAVE the player's name and stats, etc. But also have the option to ADD little details. Player could write "Stopped at gas station, killed pig, heard gun shots, ducked into the woods, hiked for a few miles to find blood bags" I think that would be amazing. Who knows, it could add a nice thing to read while sitting around your camp fire?
  4. I mean, come on, everyone just keeps respawning anyways until they get there, why not start everyone there? That's where the most action is, and that's where the most beginning weaponry is usually found. Not trying to be a dick and say "These other spawn locations suck" but... they kind of do. There have been so many times when I have spawned at Cherno, built up a supply of something and then killed off, or fallen off a building and just want to get back to doing what I was doing in cherno, and sometimes it is just disheartening to get a spawn that is far from it. Sure it's supposed to be a zombie survival game, but a lot of fun is taken from it when you spawn at Kamenka... let's face it, nothing good ever comes from Kamenka... No open houses, no vehicles that spawn there.... nothing. Either spawn everyone around Cherno and Elektro (because Elektro seems to be a ghost town to me no matter what server I join, so it would make it more popular) or boost the spawns of those other towns around the shore. Give the shore line some vehicles that spawn better, I would LOVE to get a bike at Kamenka, or a car that ISN'T broken down, something to get you the hell away from the coast and all the 'newbie bandit killers'. I know this probably will get a lot of hate... but hey, it's better to have said something and it get rejected then to have never said anything and something good go to waste... right?
  5. GretSeat

    Electric and Natural lighting's V 4.0

    I love the idea of being able to use a jerry can on a generator and power a city. That way people won't be complaining about "Night Time" because cities will have lights in them, and forests will still be scary as fuck and require flares or chemlights. People will huddle in cities at night, and then venture out on their own if they are risking it. If someone finds one of those small towns with a generator off in the distance, they could power the generator, and have bed and breakfasts?
  6. I didn't twist his words? He said he think it's an exploit for people to log out of the game to avoid death.... I was suggesting making it so it's realistic and you have to go through a process to log out. But hey, whatever, can't win them all. oh well.
  7. GretSeat

    Broken legs mechanic is...broken.

    I actually can understand how when you fall from a small height you can break your leg. I mean come on, no matter how strong you are, or fit, if you land on your ankle wrong BOOM, broken. And for the most part, when you break a leg, you WILL pass out, either from shock, or some medical shit that I can't explain because I know nothing about. But still. but the crawling into a wall and breaking it? Yeah THAT I agree needs to be fixed.
  8. Just as the subject says... (And sorry if it's been suggested before, just ignore it then) Right now tents are only used for storage. But what is a tent REALLY used for? Shelter and Sleep. As of right now I have only seen ONE tent being used in the entire game. I'm pretty sure it's because no one ever sits down in one spot for long enough. Why not make it that when in the woods you have to put up a tent to be able to abort? "Put up tent, eat food, drink water, scroll over tent "Sleep" and it will allow you to log out. Puts more tents into use. (And for game decoration purposes it would pretty neat to walk into the woods and see a "camp site" where someone was just camped and either went into the surrounding woods to get meat, or water, or whatever. And for the people saying "Why not let you log out anywhere?" Well, Rocket already said he disagrees with the way people just log out randomly to avoid death, so why not make it limited to logging out to tents when you're in the woods? BUT WAIT GARRETT (me) WHAT IF I DONT HAVE A TENT AND WANT TO LOG OUT? Well that can be fixed by logging out in cities! And not on the city streets, but inside of buildings! (as of right now my only idea is that you can scroll over a bed and "SLEEP" like the tent to log out, but I mean, in the zombie apocalypse you won't be sleeping on normal beds, sure you MIGHT, but then again what about sleeping on the floor? in THAT CASE why not make it so you have to SIT first in order to log out? So in that case you CAN sit down in the woods and sleep, but you run the risk of wild animals finding you and hurting you, so you might wake up (log in) with less blood, or bleeding. But inside a tent or building you don't have that risk? Buildings already have the ability to keep your temperature up, why not being able to sleep in them to prevent bleeding?
  9. GretSeat

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    LOVE this idea. I would LOVE to see a plane flying over head while I'm running through fields. POSSIBLY give the option to "Drop" items as "Supply Drops" lmfao jk, or am I? But seriously though. This is a great idea and would actually make use of Airstrips. Imagine the look on new players faces when they run to Balota only to hear and see a plane landing... haha.
  10. THIS is realism at it's finest. Barns should have hatchets in them. Farm Houses that you can ENTER should have the weapons, not the barn...
  11. remove legs braking from zombie attacks I disagree. Keep the leg breaks, BUT limit them to when you are lower on health. If you are PERFECTLY healthy, I wouldn't want to get a 1 hit from a zombie, only to be swarmed, BUT then again, you should be able to pick them off. What about if they push you over? Huh? I think of leg breaks as zombies knocking you to the ground. Or you twisting your ankle. Then it's more exciting to shoot them off of you when they start running in. Zombies just run too damn fast. They need to run the same speed as survivors. It's lame they they are able to STOP, try to attack, and then DEAD SPRINT (no pun intended) back to full speed and get back to you, enough to stab your back... - spawn more weapons BAD idea, This game is supposed to be realistic. I love the fact that you actually have to SEARCH for weapons. Makes it feel like you're actually SURVIVING instead of just collecting weapons. I love the fact that I have to venture city to city to find just ONE gun. A: maybe someone looted the place already, or B: who the fuck just has guns lying around? I believe Military Barracks and Triage tents SHOULD have weapons though, I mean, it IS the military... - make more loot places i.e. in front of every building Agreed. I walk into a building and can almost just LOOK at the areas I know will have loot and if I don't see any I leave, if anything mix up the loot areas (by broken down cars, dead NPCs, etc) - Players should not die from 1-2 bullets Players SHOULD die from 1-2 bullets, it's a REALISTIC game. you WOULD die from 1-2 bullets. Just either A: keep your eyes open better, B: find team mates or C: suck it up and respawn. - Zombies should stop following you after some time Disagreed, zombies are mindless killing machines and want to EAT YOU. They will do ANYTHING to get their meal. Just break their line of sight, it's not that hard. I mean yes with them glitching through walls, and having hearing like a hawk, it's fucked, but once it's fixed, you should just be able to run around a building to lose them. Just my two cents.
  12. GretSeat

    How to Fix Barbed Wire/TankTrap/Sandbag Problems

    I see it this way: If someone put up the barbed wire, they did it for good reason. Whether it be to stop survivors from bopping them in the back while looting, or to slow the invasion of zombies. Sure there are the D-Bags who just put them up randomly (I've done that myself a few times) but for the most part, just avoid them. Let me just say, I play this game as if it was a real thing: If I see Barbed Wire or Tank Traps, I say "oh god, nevermind" and just go try to find a different area. BUT now that I have a toolbox and firearms, I am doing riskier things and taking down the stuff (if I can find the hit boxes) for the most part, I think barbed wire and tank traps/sandbags are fine the way they are. I don't like the idea for newbies being able to take down barbed wire, or tank traps. I think tools should be required. Who is to say a "Toolbox" doesn't have wire cutters in it? But another tool would be nice to have, at the current moment I have ALL the tools, yet there is still ONE slot open in my gear... what the hell goes there? 12 slots, 11 tools on the wiki... Dunt Mak No Sins!
  13. I've found that Seattle 84 is a good server to jump on. Been on for the past 4 days straight now.