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Everything posted by SultanM

  1. This is his not so obvious way of telling us all his true secret. Next time get a tent or something bro.
  2. SultanM

    Cant go in third person?

    Did you make sure that the server you joined supports third person? They can choose to have it off. If the server is Veteran, you probably won't be able to.
  3. I just updated all the files to the newest version, and made sure I have the beta patch installed. I am only connecting to 1.7.1 servers, and still getting these issues. I either appear at the debug hill, or I appear in the forest (with all my old gear), but as soon as I try to respawn, I am back at the debug hill. Some of the servers (that say 1.7.1 mind you) still tell me I have the wrong version of DayZ code. Anyone got this issue, or can help me figure this out?