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About Siberys

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Siberys

    Zombies vs Stealth

    Zombies seem a bit skitzo with their aggro, but I really believe what the above people said about heavy breathing holds quite a bit of truth. I've been crawling around Cherno all morning and zeds ten feet away haven't so much as sniffed me, but as I was running back out of town past a homestead, and dropping to the ground when a zombie suddenly appeared out of the bush, he heard me at easily three times the usual safe distance for crawling. So I guess the moral is that crawling is awesome? Also, I'd really love it if the steps at the entrances to houses that force you to stand when you crawl over them could be fixed. They're kind of really dangerous and annoying for no good reason.
  2. Siberys

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    I haven't seen most of the weapons in the game yet, but so far my vote is going towards pretty much all of the non-silenced guns in the game. I've yet to use a loud-type weapon in earnest in a situation which did not end in me being dead or crippled. Most every survivor who I actually saw shoot at me (as opposed to the bandit who shot me from half a mile away with an AM rifle) immediately got overwhelmed by hordes of zombies and messily devoured. Pretty much the only weapons I do have a good opinion of are the axe, the crossbow, and the silenced MP5. This is probably because I've had yet to get far enough along where I'm able to actually carry a 'going loud' weapon for usage when needed to form a good opinion of their use outside of zombie hunting.
  3. The woods are safe, but the fact is, even sitting around in the woods all day isn't exactly FUN. You can camp out all you like hunting wild game and never leaving, and I do think that's a little silly that you can effectively do so forever, but the fact is many people are just using the woods to travel between looting spots so they can get more ammo or guns or whatever they want to enable their fun. If they do limit match uses tho, they should at least increase the spawn rate.
  4. Siberys

    DayZ Stories

    So last night, a friend and I were looting some barns outside Cherno. I shot a zombie with my M4 in a panic, which in turn called a giant horde of them down on us. We survived with 5k and 2k blood and broken legs. As we lay there in the field, a survivor leaned out of a barn and started shooting at us with a dual-barrel shotgun. But this called about 20 zombies down on him and he died in short order while we sat on the hill laughing in skype. Then we crawled for about an hour or so to the hospitals in chern. And right as we got there I got to fight off 4 zombies while prone with only an axe. But we got the meds we needed and escaped alive so it all ended well.
  5. Siberys

    zombies losing track system

    It's only easy to lose them when you're in the middle of a town. Out in the middle of the wilderness, they already chase you for far too great a distance, and giving them infinite track would be completely terrible, because it means every time you aren't in a town you're just totally screwed against them.
  6. Hi, I just attempted to set up this mod, but I've been having a number of problems with the game as a whole not working properly. When I first started after having installed both Arma II and OA through Steam, and run each once, followed by installing the beta and getting the 6 Modlauncher, installing the DayZ mod, and launching the game through the launcher, the game refused to let me into any DayZ game when I had the plants2_misc.pbo file in my Arma 2 folder, saying it was 'incorrectly keyed' or the like. This problem was temporarily fixed by deleting said file, whereupon I joined a server and got about 20 minutes of playtime in before the game crashed. Following that, I restarted the game and attempted to join several servers. For a number of them, the only textures the game loaded were the skybox, and the remainder of the world was rendered pitch black. For the rest, the game loaded properly, but then crashed within a minute. Frustrated, I checked the cache on each through Steam, which revealed several files missing, which were then fixed. I then restarted each game again, and the game refused to let me play, on the basis of an 'incorrect CD key'. I then reinstalled the beta softwear, whereupon the base game began to work properly again. However, I have now reached the problem of, although I am able to successfully connect to DayZ servers, I am left wandering a comparatively blank world. All the large mountains seem to have disappeared, along with all vegetation, buildings, oceans, and zombies. Occasionally other players can be spotted, but they cannot be interacted with in any way. At this point, I'm seriously considering reinstalling the game to see if I can fix it from there, but I was wondering if there was any other possible solution anyone knows of first.