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Survivor Scar

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Everything posted by Survivor Scar

  1. Hello, I had a somewhat weird experience when logging in today. In my last session, I got a lot of new equipment. Among it was an Alice Pack full of equipment. When I logged in today, the pack was completely empty. Not only that, but my water icon was flashing and my food icon was bright red (they were all green-ish when I logged out), and when I checked my map, it had a lot of new map notes I had never written. There were map notes about army bases I had never visited, and had typos I would never make. My character was at the same spot as when I logged off, though. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Are they related somehow? Any information about what might have happened is welcome. Thanks.
  2. I usually stay off the south coast, knowing what sort of players hang around there. But I got shot recently (pretty far to the north, after raiding a crash site), so now that I don't have any stuff, I figure I could try to see how things were in the south. It didn't go so bad, until we got to Cherno. First we got shot while trying to raid the hospital. Then I just ran around in the city a while later, and got shot at on every corner, even though it was obvious I was fresh off the boat with no gun. I did an effort to hide from the shooter, thinking he wouldn't bother hunting down an unarmed new character. How wrong was I. I ran from cover to cover for quite a while, but the shooter never gave up. He followed me halfway through the city. There's not much challenge in shooting at someone that can't shoot back, and it was pretty obvious I had nothing, so I'm not sure why anyone would bother hunting down a new character. I guess what I'm saying is, it can be unnecessarily difficult for new players with people like these guys around. I mean, you pretty much spawn near Cherno half the time, and are likely to end up there if you see a city in the distance at some point, only to be hunted down and killed for pretty much no reason.
  3. I have copied the beta file, and checked that I have the latest version, and entered the parameters into Steam. Yet, when I run the game (Launch as Combined Operations), all that happens is a command prompt that pops up for a split second. Nothing else happens. What the problem is? I have ArmA 2 + Operation Arrowhead. When I start via the Six Updater, DayZ mod works.
  4. Survivor Scar

    Off-tent map

    Shouldn't moving off the map be restricted? "You are moving away from the zombie infested area. You have ten seconds to return to the apocalypse!"
  5. Survivor Scar

    Empty pack and mysterious map notes on log-in

    Someone told me that I might've had my pack looted while in the debug desert. I have seen people spawning in a group before the game starts properly. I'm assuming this is the debug desert. So this is a place you can walk to? Isn't that a bit silly? How about limiting people from moving outside the map?
  6. Survivor Scar

    Every time I don't shoot, I regret it.

    How about a system that gave you the name of everyone that dealt damage to you? And a way to identify people even on hardcore servers. If people were afraid of retribution, maybe they would be more careful about killing people. It would still be difficult to find your assailant, but if you had him in your sights, you would see his name. The problem is that names tend to pop up when looking at a bush with a player behind, so it has to be adjusted from the normal way names show up now. It would also be great to be able to see names of people in your group, so you would recognise them more easily. In real life recognising your friend would be easy, but in a game everyone looks the same without name tags.
  7. Survivor Scar

    How well geared are you?

    -M4 with 10+ mags (lost some in a glitch where my pack was empty on log-in. -M249 SAW in my sack -M1911 -Alice pack -Tools: Compass, Hatchet, Watch, Map, Toolbox, Flashlight, Entrenching Tool -Other survival gear, like steaks and drinks and stuff. After stopping for too long to figure out if we (a friend and I) should swap anything out for a FAL and silenced MP5 we found by a crash site (he had an Enfield with a lot of ammo), someone killed us both. So now I'm back with nothing and a FAL (which was the only thing they left) with very little ammo.
  8. Survivor Scar

    I Murdered Someone.

    Hell, if you got everything I'm guessing you don't loot the bodies of the survivors you kill. If I find all my stuff when I return to my rotting corpse, I won't mind getting killed so much. That is never the case for me, however.
  9. Survivor Scar

    It takes guts not to shoot on sight

    Without a side chat, most players act like bots, so if you talk to them through direct comm, they know there is an enemy close by, and they try to figure out where you are so they can shoot you. Most "bots" won't really listen, they will just turn around looking for you until you have to shoot them before they find you. I was planning on playing without shooting first, but after dying again today to other players - and losing a M4, a FAL, and a SAW in a single encounter (my friend was carrying one of them) - I think I am closer to adopting the bot behavior myself as well, and never hesitate before gunning down other players.
  10. Survivor Scar

    Disabled Side Chat: Revisit?

    The player I am now playing with the most, I met through side chat. Since it's been removed, the only people I meet, shoot at me, and one of us die. There is no time for direct chat. Whoever sees the other one first, gets a chance to live longer by shooting first, not waste that opportunity to chat (and then likely see the other player dodge to cover and start hunting whoever said something) - which is sad. I support side chat. Currently the game feels like a single player game with bots, since all other players are there just to shoot at you. In fact, the survival side of the game comes second to the bot fighting aspect. I also like to help new players in the game. If I approach new players now, they act like I am a bot, and act aggressively, and one of us dies. This would be differently if I could talk to them from a distance first.
  11. Survivor Scar

    Empty pack and mysterious map notes on log-in

    All right, thanks for the responses. The map thing explains it all, then. I did change server (so many servers have been useless today). As for the bag; I guess it glitched. I lost more M4 mags than I care to remember, but oh well. Is there something I can do to prevent this in the future? Like... not fill it to the brim before logging off? Or doesn't that matter? Oh, and I did run to Cherno for assistance. I lit a road flare and carried a chem light near city hall. But all I got was more bullets. And they came flying through the air, not in magazines. So I just killed everyone and went back to the forest, where it's nice and quiet.