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A few small, easy to implement suggestions from a newer player :)
The Batman replied to raiderlove86's topic in Suggestions
DayZ has a harsh learning curve that seems to put a lot of new players off that just want to get in, get geared and kill people. There's nothing wrong with that and it's a valid complaint, but that learning curve is 80% of the fun of DayZ and it is a never ending one. You'll always notice or do something you didn't know before that will aid you in the future. Having played DayZ since early mod, my earliest memories of the game are being hit once by zombies and having my legs broken. There used to be like a 99% chance that your legs would be broken on hit from a Zed. Plus they would NEVER stop chasing you and had ridiculous aggro ranges. Those were the days. But I think the people, such as myself, that played back then have a distinct advantage because they learned to play cautious and stealthy because they absolutely HAD to. Things like map knowledge come with time. My advice to you would be to study a map of Chernarus and learn where the south and east coast towns are and what they are called. As this is where you will be spawning, you can check road signs in game to get your location and know where you need to go. From there, you can learn your inland places and soon enough you'll know how to get pretty much everywhere. The map is huge but there's only really a few places that are of any significant interest. Good luck out there. -
The Batman started following Healthy Status!, A few small, easy to implement suggestions from a newer player :), character back ? and and 1 other
No, I'M Batman.
This made me laugh because I've experienced the same thing. It seems some food give you hydration too, and if your stomach is "stuffed" on water, your going to peak the hydration to the point of sickness when you eat. But yes, derp indeed.
Ok, because (if this was aimed at me) you are clearly slightly mentally retarded, let's break down your points and reply to them. No. I make it a rule not to kill freshspawns. Simply because, I hate being killed as a freshspawn and it's more of a hindrance to myself to waste ammo killing them. I might hold them up and scare them by forcing them to remove their clothes, maybe stealing their shoes, but I'll let them go ultimately. That doesn't even make sense and isn't relevant to what we are discussing here. I don't see how disliking cheaters is sad and means I don't have a life. You come across as a child in your remarks so I'm mostly going to ignore this part. I've also never camped Elektro and Cherno. Yeah I've been there, but most of the time I'm much further north than that. Nope. I don't server hop for loot. The only time I really change servers is to try and get a server with more players in it. Believe me, you are the only one with that mentality and personally I think it's pointless to server hop for loot. If you think making your way through high PvP spots without dying gives you the right to cheat, then you're an idiot. I have no problem with people playing with playstyles that I don't personally agree with. But cheating isn't a playstyle.
Abusing a glitch to kill fresh spawns? Mother of God it gets worse doesn't it.
Yeah I've reported it on the bug tracker. Mate, I work as an IT Professional. Idiots keep me in a job! But whilst I get your point, there is a difference between being an idiot and going out of your way to ruin someones experience.
Yeah he is, but I believe he is mostly inactive here.
I've deliberately avoided explaining how to do this glitch for that exact reason. A bug report has been submitted by myself. Hopefully this gets sorted quickly.
No worries, hopefully this gets fixed quickly as it's pretty gamebreaking.
None. As you can see in the video, the players have no idea they are there and in the video I have recorded, I cannot see them at all. The only clue I have to them being there is the shot at point blank range that kills me, which I can post if you like.
Totally agree and solid advice there friend. Just wanted people to be aware of this bug so as not to die unfairly.
The English language. Learn it, embrace it, love it.
So. Let me paint the picture. I know a guy but we run two separate groups of players (not exactly friends, more acquaintances). We joined his server when he was in a group of three, as a group of four. We tracked them down and engaged for what should've been a pretty fun firefight. We lost a man, then we killed one of them. They then combat logged. While we waited for our guy to come back, they ghosted us. One of the two remaining guys began sniping at us from a hill 300m away, whilst the other hid nearby. We then all died, bar one who managed to kill the sniper with a 1km flank but then died. Respawning, I was the only one that spawned near. All three of them were back in the area by this point, to which I sneaked up on them, looted the M4 off of my body and killed all three of them. They logged out, so we all got our gear back and despite winning, still felt cheated having died at all especially when this was a firefight between friends. What made it worse, is until we proved it, they denied it all. Fast forward to today. It was mentioned to them that we were near the NEAF. Unfortunately, we hadn't seen this video from earlier in the day: http://www.twitch.tv/mayinaze/c/3631909 This is him and his group. My group (minus me) then got to the NEAF and went into the hangar you see in the video. Surprise surprise, he and his group were in the server. My group was then killed while inside the hangar from what was described as "point blank" but never saw anyone. It was then I found that video. When asked, he then stated that he was on the hill overlooking the hangars. Being the only one left and cba'ing to walk back to the coast, I recorded me looking for them on the hill and not finding them. I then stood in the middle of the open outside the hangar, but slightly defiladed from it so as not to be seen from inside it. Still they denied being under the hangar and saying that we were scrubs and got outplayed. So, I walked into the hangar and went right on top of where they are in the video and guess what happened? I got shot, at point blank range and killed instantly. He then bragged about killing all of us from his hill. I then explained that I'd recorded the whole thing and that I knew it was bullshit and he confessed to being under there with the excuse "dat alpha though". I mean come on? It's also worth mentioning he has complained about combat loggers before and how they suck. I really wish there was a way to report players like this because honestly they are currently 99% of what is wrong with the community. I've always believed in fair play and if it was a fair play that killed us, that's fine. But it wasn't and I hate being cheated. Anyway, this thread mostly exists to warn those that do not know about the glitch in the video to avoid the NEAF until they fix this because you might fall victim to it too. I'll submit a bug report but don't want others unfairly losing their gear. Just wanted you to understand how much of a douche this guy is. tl;dr People are douchebags, stay away from NEAF because ground shark people can ice you.
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