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Posts posted by Lahrmid

  1. they already go in buildings, they just have a hard time spotting you if you are on stairs or 1 floor up. for example inside fire station staircase you can stay and they cant find you.

    If you are in a flat small building, like a garage/shed they can deffinately come in even with the door shut and they will find and eat you too.

    I've been swarmed in the schools, barns and many other buildings even when I thought I was safe. Currently there is a door-breaking system but its not 100% so they warp through closed doors. I've also seen some Z's open doors and gates to pass through, not sure if that's been removed.

    Did you even read OP?

    No, that's right, you didn't.

    • Like 1

  2. Look at this, just fucking look at this.

    THIS is what we get when we let those motherfucking crappy ass dick-loving bullshitting mainstream and casual gamer magazines review or even feature this game.

    Press coverage is a horrible fucking thing, I hope some of you learnt this lesson.

  3. You might not, but lots of people do, and it doesnt post "updates", it will have the posts for the launch of a patch, that is posted on the forums, like I said its mainly for media news, meaning media sites view it.

    Makes sense, considering how the media does not give a single gently caress about the actual development.

    • Like 2

  4. The twitter is surprisingly lacking of actual DEVELOPMENT news though...

    I don't (a long with many others I could imagine) give two shites about who made a herpderpingly funny DayZ machinima video or what gaming magazine most recently conducted a mind-numbingly boring interview with Rocket.

    • Like 1

  5. I have long thought and pondered on the current respawn mechanics, ever since I first started playing and realized that I don't have to spend two hours two find my friend halfway across the map since I could just respawn 'til I got a Solnichniy spawn.

    Respawning and sitting at that loading screen for ages and ages again was a horrible element of tedium, my two alternatives are below. If not number 1, then for gods sake implement number 2 below;

    1. Somehow choosing spawn location. Randomizing it within a couple hundred meters or so. At least let people find each other.

    2. Remove the respawn mechanic, resulting in the spawn you get becoming the SPAWN YOU GET, until you die.

    After 2-ish months of playing I have realized that alternative number 1 is far superior.

    * Want to enjoy the world and game with your friends? Okay, then spend x amount of time to find your friends (the work) and THEN you can enjoy the game together until you die. Rinse and repeat. *

    I do realize that the obligatory "finding your friend is part of the fun hurr durr" argument will be made here, fine, it IS a valid argument. Just wanted to put this out there for weighing it against that previously mentioned obligatory argument.

  6. * [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play

    Wow, this is absolute bullcrap...

    I have never disagreed or disliked anything on your changelogs 'til now. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to adjust, and start running from Kamenka to Cherno/balota to have some fun.

    The game just got a lot more tedious.

  7. Hm first problem, found AS50 (yay) from heli crash, loot it with 3 mags. Log our and after 2-3 hours I log back and AS50 is gone, replaced by some stuff I had and threw away earlier (some trash from deer stand).

    Only AS50 mags stayed.

    I have ARMA2_OA_Build_94945

    Desync/not-saving-on-disconnect issue

    Happens since to me as well, I stay logged in for a few minutes after picking up items I'd like to keep.

  8. Well, wether the servers work or not is irrelevant, since it is obviously fixable.

    The most interesting thing about the update was the performance I noticed the few minutes I was on a server.

    Zombies going down instantly when shot, less choppy movement... All in all, great stuff.

    Now just imagine all the newbies getting their feet stuck in bear traps, I shall enjoy this update immensely, thank you rocket and the rest of the DayZ dev team!
