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Everything posted by Lahrmid

  1. Northwestern Airfield, stand in the middle of the runway and toss a chemlight or flare next to you, a sniper will spawn at your feet within seconds.
  2. Lahrmid

    Very long timer

    You logged out while in Panic/chock. Indicated by the white broken seatbelt icon, it lasts for 5 minutes(?).
  3. OP should be shot in the foot and left for the zombies.
  4. Lahrmid

    Done until they fix tents.....

    The problem isn't setting up the tent, the problem is keeping your stuff inside them. Tent inventories are glitchy as fuck.
  5. I don't want a gun on spawn. In fact, I never did.
  6. Lahrmid

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I disagree, we don't need a weapon. As it currently stands, getting gear is far too easy, and handing a newly-spawned player a gun is stupid.