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About Cooky1809

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  1. Cooky1809

    Very Disapointed

    I think some people are reading it wrong (my fault for being very simplistic) The topic was about how disappointed I was with the whole of DayZ not being updated as much and not alot of communication. NOT for how much effort has been put into it. Rocket and his team has put in a ridiculous amount of time and deserves alot more praise. Also its free (well I had to buy Arma2 an I bet 80% of the people here did not have it lol) so of course I can see why people are 'trying to abuse me' and I accept that. Thanks JaysonX and all the others for atleast understanding where I am coming from. Keep up the hard work Rocket, Sorry for being disappointed as I should know better.
  2. Cooky1809

    Very Disapointed

    Why should I get abuse? like I have already said that I dont mean to be attacking Rocket. At least some people here can see what I'm talking about.
  3. Cooky1809

    Very Disapointed

    Thanks. I dont mean to be attacking Rocket so I do appologise.
  4. Cooky1809

    Very Disapointed

    I just cant believe all of this. I'm just speaking my disappointment about the way this mod has gone, and I'm gettin abused by little kids telling me to destroy my computer and telling me my spelling is wrong (when I know it is because people can type fast on computers). Rocket is very busy I know! But it took me about one minute and 20 seconds to type all of this, dont you think he has one minute to communicate with us telling everyone what he is working on. Trust me, I'm not a trolling, young, no life kid and I do respect him, just venting my annoyance.
  5. Cooky1809

    Very Disapointed

    Dont you mean 'Disappointed' with TWO p's not TWO s's?
  6. Cooky1809

    Very Disapointed

    Thank you so much!! Im not saying I do not care about how much work rocket puts in, because its huge. But what this person has just said is exactly what I mean. thanks
  7. Cooky1809

    Very Disapointed

    This is just wrong! the community has just gone to shit now. I do have a life, considering ive only posted 17 times!
  8. Cooky1809

    Very Disapointed

    Explain to me what is wrong? I missed a few 'comma's' and spelling some words short becasue its 'computer language'. If I wanted to spell correctly It would only be on paper. Your the type of people that ruin the community.
  9. Cooky1809

    Very Disapointed

    Hello people! I have played this mod roughly a week after it was released. It got updated every 4 to 5 days and Rocket and all the others would keep in touch with the small community. Now, it takes weeks for new updates and hardly any responses. I thought this was something different (not just the game itself but the people behind making it) and while the game is still fun and great it just seems to be going like most big companies. I know its hard work Rocket but you have got to stick with why the mod was so different and enjoyable.
  10. Cooky1809

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    #1 and #2 :D
  11. Cooky1809


    I really like the night. it may sound contridicting my self but i do LOVE the night time, but only when gamma is at max. (which is kind of cheating but at least i can see a little bit) jus hope it gets a little bit brighter so i dont have to higher settings :(
  12. Cooky1809


    tbh thats the problem, the rain! lol night time is too dark but once gamma is full and brightness u can see a little bit but when it rains i may as well have spawned blind with a guide dog. but like i said before its still an amazing mod :D
  13. Cooky1809


    i totally agree with u. But maybe jus make it that little bit brighter so like ure eyes adjust to the night or somethin. maybe that can be a feature? lol
  14. Cooky1809


    Ive tried to not write a thread about this mod because its so amazing. Ive spent 60 hours on this game in 1 week. But please get rid of night time or atleast sort it out! cant see anythin (which is not realistic) and also the rain is abysmal in the game. I do not know whether it is Arma 2 with the bad night time and rain but it is poor. This mod is awsome still! but im from UK an im going to play in american servers to get day light :D
  15. Cooky1809

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    WOW, why are people always moaning and crying? if you dont like a specific thing on a SOAP television program, u just dont watch it, if someone is telling jokes about carebears or what ever, if u dont like it, dont read all of the comment once u realise ure not going to like it. this world is falling apart with people that like to complain about small little things. i rekon ure the people who try and SUE companies for your OWN mistake. Awsome Mod, funny jokes from rocket and other people, keeping the game HARDCORE, what more could real gamers (or even just down to earth people) want?