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Everything posted by ironpython

  1. ironpython

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    meta-gaming and ghosting TEAMSPEAK SERVERS is allowed... ghosting servers (ie: moving into position for an iminent attack/ or to steal vehicles etc etc...) is considered exploiting game mechanics which IS PROHIBITED. as far as posting proof on the forums i dont get who you guys think you are lol. psyl3nt said it perfectly. they are following the rules of reporting and anyone not on the dev team has ANY right to demand proof. nor does the dev team NEED to update a thread publicly on actions taken regarding either side of this issue.
  2. ironpython

    Realism vs keeping new players

    add a melee weapon for starter toons... give the noobs a starting chance if anything... otherwise i would say its not an issue as once someone meets a loot spot you dont have to worry about respawning unarmed
  3. yes i know for one i would never have heard of this game if it wasnt for the diablo 3 off topic forum lol... people talking about what other games they play since d3 is such a failbomb lol :D glad i read the thread as this has been one of the best games all time imho. and yes the pop has grown a LOT since even i started playing 2 weeks ago all of my deaths have been entertaining... from running a zombie train from elektro all the way to solnichniy in pitch black with my flashlight flickering (singing an off-shoot of crazy trains chorus over direct voice along the way :D); to forgetting i roll to the right when reloading... rolling off the second level of a barn knocking myself out in front of 3 or 4 zeds going "awww shit!!"; to doing a 10k crawl on a broken leg searching for morphine and never finding it lol; and last... crawling past a guy in a ghillie suit with a very LOUD sniper rifle put to my temple and BOOM!!! die. been one of the most entertaining games in the last 8 years to me
  4. ironpython

    Faggots on this game

    funny thing here is the quote about the nvg... the person killing him prolly already HAS nvg... so with all due respect that makes the person camping the nwaf a griefer wouldnt it? hes not fighting for loot hes killing for the sake of killing which is anti-productive to testing this game... i for one have never made it to the base and not sure if i really care enough to try but i still think people that camp a good loot spot just to shoot a player is pretty boring. besides if you read the OP story the person he is mad at is ACTUALLY exploiting the game here... he shoots, d/c's and moves on another server, then reconnects to kill from a different spot.... that IS exploiting by what ive read so far too iirc
  5. ironpython

    Been literally humiliated.

    honestly this is a ridiculous thread... everyone missed the point the OP was stating on not THAT he got killed but HOW he got killed... if the guy had just shot him dead then fine and dandy this thread wouldnt have started but he didnt... he pretty much got tortured. now im NOT by any means saying this wouldnt happen in a REAL situation, but seriously... with no consequenses for actions like this in the game, people like the killer will continue to do this stuff until a lot of the community gets tired of it and stop playing, and im sure rocket and his team dont want to see that happen. this sort of happening is hopefully going to be addressed in future patches (ie: moral consequenses for killing/murdering, or dividing that game to do pvp and non-pvp servers= and no toons from the opposite style server cant switch over). either that or there should be incentives to work together this IS a survival game and yes in some situations something like this happens. another posted before saying something about being a lonewolf and shooting on sight increases his survival yes all good, but then theres people that sit and camp hotspots with a sniper rifle for the sole purpose of shooting other players and dont bother looting them and ignore the zeds completely. now im not sure but i dont think THAT is the sole purpose of this game either right? we need to have benifits and also consequenses to this mentality for both sides i gotta give the OP props for NOT d/cing and i dont do it either... ill wait for death but come on is this REALLY needed? i guess this whole thing boils down to everyone has a right to their own opinion and each person has a different perspective
  6. ironpython

    that poor bastard

    just got the castle in the middle of the map and found a dead survivor... i guess he didnt know not to use the enfield lol i was creeping up to the entry arch and saw 2 zeds standing outside. i popped em both in the head with a makarov and dropped em... 2 more inside the little room. one got a hit in as he bugged thru the wall but both died and i only lost a tiny bit o health lol. i go thru the room and loot it and come back out the doorway to loot the piles and corpses and i noticed a rifle out of place from the pile and a corpse that didnt look like... well a corpse (zed corpse). turns out it was a survivor and i guess he got gangbanged by zeds... you know... arse in the air and all in the doorway. i for obvious reasons left the enfield there with him but i picked up my first alice pack to date (20 slot backpack for those who dont know), a map, a compass, a hunting knife, the food in the pack which was a lot, and a few more bandages and mak clips... as i looted his corpse all i could think was... that poor bastard LOL
  7. ironpython

    [Video] Whoopsy DayZ

    hahahhaa thats hilarious... just a quiet "WTF?". best video of the day LOL. "im gonna throw it out... SORRY!" LOL
  8. lol osiris you missed the realism comments point... he asked why it was in the game in the first place. i didnt say breaking the bones that easily was for realism but for why its in the game at all is what i meant
  9. ironpython

    Golden AKS

    obvious troll is obvious fail... if you want the gold AK... do as bombe says and go back to the kiddie game of CoD
  10. ironpython

    What would you do?

    lol I'd look to help advance the RL zombie apocalypse to satiate my love for this mod :D plain and simple... please keep this going guys :D dont ever quit cuz the larger community absolutely loves what you guys do for DayZ and will do whatever it takes to keep it in development... amiright?
  11. lol its for realism... yes its a bit TOO easy but as paah says itll be tweaked coming up... i for one dont mind it being IN the game but id like to see ways to repair them more abundant since its easy to BREAK em but in RL situation you can jump and land 10 feet without a break... for that matter you can do 99% of this stuff without breakage. fyi i currently have a broken bone on my toon but refuse to give up since ive finally found decent items lol... did a 10k crawl yesterday thru the woods... wow was that boring LOL
  12. ironpython

    [VIDEO] Airfield and Deer Stand Looting

    gotta agree with everyone. i liked the way you explained what ya did there. also on a side note +10 for the hatchet kill :D i bet that guy raged for about 1 hour or so :D
  13. ironpython

    107 - 1000 meters on a lone survivor

    sick shot dood... haha gotta love how he ran nowhere and managed to agro every zed in the area too eh? :D
  14. ironpython

    Colorblind setting.

    i THINK thats a setting for arma 2... not sure but would be a good idea to add actually
  15. ironpython

    Class types and skills?

    its purely about survival... we do what we can to survive... introducing classes will turn it INTO something like battlefield with zombies... something not needed here honestly
  16. ironpython

    how bout this for bandits

    just reading a threat about bandit identifiers and had a sudden thought. not sure if this has been suggested yet but there is a whole entire theory of WHY people turn to banditry... they are desperate and at their last threads of humanity really. desperate usually for food and water or supplies. why not make them a little more desperate for it. if a player becomes a bandit maybe modify the need for food and water more severe and since they are also frantic for supplies why not make it so medical usage gets doubled too (ie: 2 bandages to stop bleeding and so on...) i know the pvp crowd wont really like this idea but, in all fairness when they sit and pick off unarmed survivors for the "fun of it" they deserve SOME sort of penalty. besides it could also have an added benifit countering this like i dunno... maybe they do slightly increased damage, or something. i dunno but any suggestions would be good feedback but also CONSTRUCTIVE replies would help. if all people wanna do is flame well you really arent interested in helping DEVELOP this game then are ya :D
  17. ironpython

    New ammunition and magazine idea

    magazines stacking to 2 or 3 could also help alleviate some inventory space too but not really needed if something like that was implemented.
  18. ironpython

    Thank You Rocket

    yes i would like to add my thanks to you and your team rocket. this is a game ive been waiting a long time for and its groups like you guys that actually SHOW passion for creativity unlike the mega-corp companies out there now (ie: bliz-o-vision and EA). i was saying to a friend about 2 weeks ago that the gaming industry has nosedived in the last few years because policy has become money of quality. thank you for restoring my faith in developers and PLEASE keep up the awesome work.
  19. ironpython

    Dumpster Diving

    lol handguns can also spawn there... a result of pre-apocalypse gang violence maybe? :P
  20. ironpython

    how bout this for bandits

    shameless bump for more feedback/ideas :D
  21. ironpython

    Makeshift/temporary suppressors for pistols

    i like the idea... good for 10-20 shots max and then need to find parts to make a new one sound about right?
  22. ironpython

    What Identifies a bandit?

    prolly means you ARE the bandit :P
  23. ironpython

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    reading the last couple posts i can see why ppl get mad when someone disconnects during combat and i agree that needs to be penalized and it kind of is starting too with the lasting effect of shock/knockout... but punishing needs to be more severe for those ppl i understand why its bad server hopping too but to punish EVERYONE thats hopping is kinda stupid too... some ppl dont wanna play on night time servers or have some nasty lag with other servers so it takes time to find the right server. im in no way justifying the ones doing it to get ammo cuz yes that is kinda lame, but to punish people trying to find a server good for them is counter-productive to building the game too dont you think? i for one wont d/c during combat (mostly cuz im out cold or dead) but tbh you have just as much chance of being killed as killing them and this isnt real life and i just respawn after anyways, its part of the game and yes i sometimes rage cuz ive collected a nice cache of gear only to die soon after but hey, what can you do right?
  24. me? im gonna go with being a zombie i believe... to quote zombieland "fatties die first" lol if i ACTUALLY survive tho i couldnt narrow it down to just a couple cuz its based on hundreds of factors. only one i dont think i could become is #9 asshole. that just goes against everything i believe in honestly and i would rather die before committing acts like that
  25. ironpython

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    73. zed's would make great boyfriends for female characters. always stiff not bashful enough to eat them and is only after them for their BRAINSSSSSSS :D